Chapter 15: Migraine

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"Nooooo." Hanji mumbled into the pillow. She waved her hand around trying to find Levi. Her hand roamed around an empty bed. She sat up and put her glasses on.

"Levi?" She called.

"Kitchen." He responded. Early bird Hanj rolled her eyes and fell out of bed.

Hanji was wearing shorts and a baggy tee shirt. She made her way to Levi's perfectly clean bathroom and looked in the mirror. She yawned and finger combed the tangles out of her hair. Hanji made her way out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. She bit her lip as she watched Levi make his tea. He was shirtless and his back looked delicious.

"Coffee?" He asked still focused on his tea.

"Please." Hanji grumbled and let out another yawn. Levi handed her a warm mug. He sat next to her with his tea. They drank in silence.

"I've never been in a relationship before." Levi said honestly. Hanji nearly spit out her coffee.

"No way!" Hanji gasped and looked at him in awe. Absolutely no way humanity's strongest soldier has never had a girlfriend. "How?!"

Levi raised his eyebrows, "Are you really that surprised?"

"But you're so handsome and...scary, yeah that makes sense." Hanji snorted at herself. Levi rolled his eyes. Hanji felt giddy inside. She was Levi's first girlfriend!

"What about you Four-eyes?" He asked slightly amused. Hanji looked up in thought.

"Well I've, hmmm...oh! Uh wait no.." Hanji furrowed her eyebrows in realization and laughed. "I guess I haven't been in an actual relationship either." The two laughed.

"I'll meet you at your car!" Hanji waved as she stopped at her door. Levi held his hand above his head with the keys and continued walking. Hanji unlocked her door and jogged to her bedroom. She quickly pulled on her work clothes and put her hair up. She grabbed her phone and walked out her door making sure to lock it behind her.

Levi watched from his car as Hanji walked through the parking lot. She climbed into the passengers seat with a smile. He began to drive. Levi noticed that Hanji was texting a lot.

"What's so important?" He questioned.

"Oh nothing." Hanji put her phone down. "Just texting Moblit about what our research team has to do today." Levi made a face.

"What was that face?!" Hanji laughed at Levi's disgusted face. He didn't make a lot of expressions so when he did Hanji paid close attention. He didn't say anything.

"Whaaaat?" Hanji tried again.

"I don't like Moblit."

"What?! Why? He's so nice-" Levi glared at the road.

"Oh my gosh you're jealous!"

"Shut up, Shitty Four-eyes." Hanji giggled to herself.

~ A few hours later ~

"Levi-" Erwin stated as he knocked and opened Levi's door before he heard a response. Levi winced at the sound. Erwin's mouth turned into a slight frown.

"What?" He asked bored. Erwin quirked an eyebrow. Levi rolled his eyes. He was not in the mood to stroke Erwin's ego. "What is it Commander?" Erwin smiled at that. Happy now? Levi thought with a tsk.

"You look rough." Erwin stated honestly.

"Thanks." Levi grumbled. His head was killing him.

"I don't want you here if you can't be useful." Levi glared at him.

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