Chapter 86: A Brawl in the Dewford Gym!

Beginne am Anfang

"Greetings challenger! I am Brawly of Dewford Town. I've battled through the harshest waves and through the depths of Granite Cave to make my Pokémon strong enough to break through any team! If you think you've got what it takes to break through, then show me all your strength!"

Brawly threw the Pokeball onto the battlefield, hitting the ground with incredible force as his first Pokémon appeared. A Machoke let out an impressive battle cry as it flexed its muscles. Ellie considered her options, then grabbed her first Pokémon, taking a deep breath as she cried,

"Show them what we can do, Kirlia!"

Kirlia appeared from the Pokeball, landing cleanly on its feet as it did a small spin, followed by an intense stare at Machoke. Brawly clapped his hands together and then cried,

"We'll go first! Machoke, Mach Punch!"

Machoke suddenly burst forward at speeds Ellie didn't even think a Machoke could run. But, regardless, she had a plan,


As Machoke swung forward to deliver a solid punch right to Kirlia's head, Kirlia thrust its arms outwards, a psychic force falling on the tips of its fingers the stretching out around Machoke's body. Suddenly, Machoke found its head spinning in circles, disoriented and confused. Then, it threw another punch, straight to its head. Kirlia's attack had it totally confused! It stumbled around like a drunk sailor, while occasionally throwing out a punch to a random body part of its own. Lucas giggled as he watched Machoke stumble over itself over and over again until eventually, Brawly had enough of the little act.

"Steady yourself, Machoke!", he yelled and Machoke caught one of its punches with its other arm. Then, it took a couple of deep breaths and turned to Kirlia with a smile on its face.

"Bullet Punch!", Brawly cried as Machoke suddenly dove forward with the speed of a bullet, striking Kirlia in the head and knocking the Pokémon far back to the edge of the battlefield. Kirlia jumped up after the attack, to find Machoke barreling forwards with a vengeance. Kirlia almost jumped out of its skin at the sight of it, as Ellie quickly cried,

"Teleport to the other side!"

Kirlia joined its fingers together, taking a deep breath before blipping into nothingness. Then, it reformed at almost the very edge of the battlefield again, a ridiculous length away from Machoke considering they were just next to each other only a moment ago. Machoke simply turned around and kept bursting forward like before, closing the gap between them yet again.

"Bullet Punch!"

"Disarming Voice!"

As Machoke dove forward, Kirlia let out a chilling song, the waves of its voice sending shockwaves across the battlefield, striking Machoke. The muscular Pokémon put up its arms to block the blow, its feet skidding against the battlefield as it struggled to keep its defence up. Then, the blow broke through Machoke's guard, leaving it off balance and wide open.

"Psybeam!", cried Ellie as Kirlia placed its hands together and then threw them outwards with a hearty cry, chains of psychic energy beaming through the battlefield and straight into Machoke's chest, driving the Pokémon straight across the battlefield and into the wall. Dust arose from the almost shattered wall, as Machoke fell forward onto its knees, its body tense and eyes closed. Then, one eye opened and the other followed soon after. It slowly rose to its feet and let out another battle cry as it pounded its chest. Its breaths were heavy and its body was exhausted, but it had determination to fight above all else. An awe-inspiring one at that.

"Psybeam!", Ellie commanded and Kirlia struck twice with the Psybeams, a chain streaming across the battlefield.

"Dodge it!", Brawly yelled with a smile as Machoke rolled out of the way of the beam. It started running straight towards Kirlia, taking care to always keep track of where the Psybeam was, then dodge out of the way. Sometimes it curled up and rolled away from the Psybeam, sometimes it leapt over it, or sometimes it did a slide right underneath the beam, showing off its athleticism as well as its raw strength. Kirlia's strength in its psychic attacks was also weakening as it pressed on with firing the Psybeam. The power drained until the Psybeam completely dropped, and Kirlia was suddenly forced to fight Machoke up close.

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