Chapter 39: Lu Yanchen Pressed Down And Kissed Her

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Due to Peng Xiaoyue deliberately forcing Sun Pingfang to work continuously, Sun Pingfang was nearly exhausted to the point of a miscarriage. Wang Haohan was extremely angry but dared not provoke Chief Yu. He lifted Sun Pingfang and walked out.

Originally, Peng Xiaoyue sneered at this, thinking that now she was the wife of Chief Yu, even if these people were dissatisfied, what could they do to her?

However, she did not expect that Gu Ling stayed behind. When Chief Yu returned, Gu Ling directly spoke to Chief Yu, "Hello, Chief Yu. We are members of the educated youth team. Today, your spouse said that the place needed cleaning, and she requested Sun Pingfang from our educated youth team to do the cleaning. Sun Pingfang is pregnant and hasn't been feeling well these days. There was a bit of a problem during the cleaning just now. Could you please help me issue a note so that I can take Sun Pingfang to the island's clinic for a check-up?"

There was indeed a clinic on the island, but it was recently established and had only one health worker who had a rather difficult temperament and usually refused to provide medical examinations or treatments without a note.

In reality, Gu Ling didn't need Chief Yu to issue the note; they could have the team leader, Li Haixia, issue it. However, she deliberately wanted Chief Yu to issue it now.

Seeing the beautiful girl in front of him with clear black and white eyes, a graceful figure, and a cold and determined temperament, Chief Yu suddenly regretted marrying Peng Xiaoyue even more. However, he had no choice. Gu Ling didn't show any interest in a middle-aged divorced man, and he was in a hurry to find someone to marry and take care of his children. Peng Xiaoyue took the initiative to approach him, and after some consideration, he agreed.

Finding a partner, especially when you have children, was not an easy task.

Now that Gu Ling and Peng Xiaoyue were together, Chief Yu keenly felt the huge gap between the two women. He regretted it deeply, so he wanted to present a better image in front of Gu Ling.

"Why did this happen? I'll issue the note for you right away."

Chief Yu issued the note and promised Gu Ling that such incidents would not happen again. As soon as Gu Ling left, the sound of Chief Yu slamming the table could be heard in the room!

Just married, and already being scolded by her husband, Peng Xiaoyue felt wronged, but she had no other choice and could only hide in the room to cry!

However, upon further thought, no matter what, she was now the wife of Chief Yu. Besides taking care of the children, she didn't have to do any other work. She could get meals from the canteen, and she had money to spend. It was much better than those educated youths!

On the other side, Gu Ling, after returning, had Wang Haohan accompany her to take Sun Pingfang to the clinic. Although Sun Pingfang's stomach was in a lot of pain, the child was saved. The conditions at the island clinic were simple, so if she didn't feel better after resting for a few days, they would consider going to a mainland hospital.

Back at the place where the educated youth stayed, Gu Ling personally cooked a fragrant bowl of white congee for Sun Pingfang, accompanied by scrambled eggs with green onions. It was a light and stomach-nourishing meal. Sun Pingfang was so absorbed in crying that it took several people a long time to calm her down.

After finishing her busy work, Gu Ling noticed a cloth package on the table downstairs. When Li Haixia saw it, she said, "Lieutenant Lu just came by and said it's the thing he borrowed from you last time, returning it to you."

Gu Ling regained her focus, nodded, and then took the cloth package upstairs.

When she opened it in her room, she found that it contained peach pastries wrapped in red paper. The sweet fragrance filled the air as she took a piece, and it melted in her mouth, incredibly delicious.

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