Chapter 13: Did Gu Ling Die Of Illness Today?

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The roasted pheasant in Gu Ling's hands was really tempting, with a golden color and tender meat. It was dripping with oil, and Gu Ya couldn't help but swallow her saliva several times.

Li Haixia and Zhou Cheng were almost convinced by Gu Ling. They both suggested that Gu Ling set up more traps to catch more pheasants and raise them. That way, they could have an extra meal from time to time!

Gu Ling agreed, "Okay, after we finish eating, we'll set up more traps. I've seen quite a few rabbits running around in the forest these days. I guess we'll need traps to catch them too."

They didn't have much food, but they could catch some small fish from the sea to use as bait.

Li Haixia looked at Gu Ling with a gentle look in her eyes and asked, "Gu Ling, are you also this smart at home? What did you do before? I feel like you can do everything!"

Gu Ling smiled, "Sister Haixia, I used to work in a food factory, but I like reading books. My mom used to have a special job and liked to travel around. She has more experience in the wild, and she used to tell me about these things when I was a child."

The two of them ate and chatted casually, and the atmosphere was very pleasant. Zhou Cheng looked at Gu Ling, his eyes filled with admiration at first, but then became somewhat gloomy.

Gu Ling was such a great girl, but because she was so great, he didn't dare to think about it.

Li Haixia suddenly reached out and removed a leaf from Gu Ling's hair, with a gentle and natural attitude.

Gu Ya watched all this in her sleep and couldn't help but feel angry!

She had spent a lot of time with Li Haixia before and always thought that Li Haixia was a woman with bipolar disorder and a brain full of water!

Because back then, Li Haixia never gave her a good face except for sarcastic remarks. She never said a gentle word to her!

But now, how did Li Haixia change? She became like a loyal dog, trying to please Gu Ling so much!

Gu Ya was furious and was about to edit her article when she saw the reminder that the chapter violated the rules pop up again. In order to avoid having her chapter locked, Gu Ya had to quickly modify the highlighted parts.

But when she clicked on it and took a look, she realized why it was highlighted in yellow. It turned out that the content she wrote was contrary to the facts!

Gu Ya held her breath and clicked on it again to carefully examine it. She found that the plot had indeed deviated since Gu Ling arrived on the island.

For example, after the house collapsed, Gu Ling should have been hungry, fallen, injured, and blamed by teammates. But in reality, Gu Ling didn't go hungry, ate several big meals, didn't get injured because teammates helped her when she fell, got wet in the sea but changed into clean clothes in time, and didn't catch a cold or get sick from sleeping in a tent at night.

As for the mutual accusations and attacks among teammates that Gu Ya had been forced to experience, none of that happened to Gu Ling. Zhou Cheng and Li Haixia treated Gu Ling so well that it made people's eyes red!

Gu Ya didn't want to modify those contents and couldn't help but curse out loud, "Dog website! I don't want to change it! My novel, my rules! I'll do whatever I want! I won't change it, won't change it, won't change it! Give me a refund!"

Just as she finished cursing, another reminder popped up on the website, 〚Dear user, the chapter has been locked. If not modified in time, the article will be removed from the rankings.〛

Removed from the rankings? Gu Ya felt a chill, panicked, and quickly found the website rules. Only then did she understand that if the article was removed from the rankings, it meant that she would soon have no income, and without income, she wouldn't be able to survive in this world!

How could that be? Gu Ya no longer cared about her principles and quickly modified the plot points that didn't match the reality from when Gu Ling arrived on the island until now.

But her writing skills were limited, and in order to meet the word count and comply with the website's rules, she could only write about Gu Ling catching fish, catching crabs, picking coconuts and mangoes, and catching wild chickens, among other things.

After submitting the latest modified chapter, Gu Ya stared at it without moving, for a long time. Finally, it passed the review, and she suddenly relaxed.

You see, when a chapter is locked, the author feels like they've died!

But Gu Ya underestimated the pain of being an author. Soon, she would understand what it truly meant to be heartbroken!

Just one minute after the newly modified chapter was released, a reader quickly skimmed through it and mercilessly gave it a negative score!

『Stupid author, are you an elementary school student? Does Gu Ling, this trash, even deserve to stay online? Does she have the ability to catch fish, pick mangoes, and coconuts? Does she have that much talent?』

Of course, there were also others who gave a score of two or zero: 『I'm curious about how the supporting female character catches fish on the island, and if fresh coconuts are delicious?』

『Wuwuwu, isn't this Mango Freedom? Are the mangoes on the island delicious? Is the supporting female character suffering? It feels like a vacation, emm.』

『Please let me go to the deserted island, I also want to show off grilled fish, crabs, mangoes, and coconuts!』

Gu Ya instantly remembered a rule on the website, negative comments from readers directly affect the author's life value!

Whenever an author sees a negative comment, their mind instantly explodes, their breathing becomes difficult, their heart beats faster, and they may even tremble and turn pale. In short, it is extremely detrimental to their health!

As the saying goes, if you want to destroy an author, just give them a negative score!

Gu Ya felt dizzy in her head and tremblingly replied to that comment, "This is just the beginning, this malicious supporting female character will definitely be taught a lesson!"

Stimulated by the negative score, Gu Ya went crazy and quickly edited the next chapter, finding a timeline that matched the current one and desperately modifying it: 〚Suddenly, it started to rain heavily on the island, and this torrential rain lasted for a full seven days and nights...〛

A pop-up reminder appeared: 〚Hello user, please respect reality and do not deviate too far from the rules of the real world.〛

Gu Ya calmed down a bit and changed "seven days and nights" to "three days and nights," and continued writing, 〚Gu Ling got soaked in the rain while looking for food and had a high fever for three days without improvement.〛

After finishing the edits, Gu Ya gritted her teeth and clicked submit, without even looking at the reminder that two months' worth of moomstones would be deducted.

She didn't believe that Gu Ling would be lucky this time!

The next time she entered the dream, she would definitely be able to see Gu Ling starving and dying from illness!

At this time, Gu Ling, Li Haixia, and Zhou Cheng had just gone to the woods to pick up bird eggs.

After they finished eating the roasted chicken, they first put the fishing net in the sea, then picked about ten coconuts and a pile of mangoes under the shed. After picking up the bird eggs, Zhou Cheng hurried to the seaside to retrieve the fishing net. They didn't catch many fish this time, only three or four small ones, but what excited him was that there were many shrimps in the fishing net, all of them lively and delicious-looking!

But when Zhou Cheng looked up, he found dark clouds swiftly drifting across the sky, appearing as though a heavy rain was about to come down!

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