Chapter 19: Truth About Mother's Accident

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Ding Shaoyang couldn't help but laugh when he heard Peng Xiaoyue's words. Many people were interested in their platoon leader, but not many would claim to be his fiancée. Seeing that Ding Shaoyang didn't say anything, Peng Xiaoyue lifted her foot to board the ship and said, "I'm going with you, I want to see him!"

Ding Shaoyang immediately stopped her and said, "Our leader has a message for you."

Peng Xiaoyue felt a glimmer of hope, but Ding Shaoyang suppressed his disdain and said, "Our leader said he doesn't have a fiancée. If anyone dares to disobey the discipline of the educated youth team, they can expect the team leader to report them directly to the educated youth office for strict punishment!"

These words frightened Peng Xiaoyue, causing her legs to weaken and her face to turn pale. She had initially thought that by coming all the way here, Lu Yanchen would at least show her some respect. But now it seemed that Lu Yanchen had no conscience whatsoever!

However, Peng Xiaoyue still refused to give up. Since she had arrived, she was determined to marry Lu Yanchen. They were originally arranged by their families, and Lu Yanchen had never even seen her before. She believed that as long as Lu Yanchen saw her, he would be willing to be with her!

She was the daughter of the Peng family, studied at a university and far superior to people like Gu Ling, who is an uneducated country bumpkin.

What's the point of being able to survive on the island? Those were meaningless things. Only a woman of culture like her was worthy of Lu Yanchen.

Peng Xiaoyue wanted to ask Ding Shaoyang when Lu Yanchen would arrive on the island, but Ding Shaoyang interrupted her by waving his hand and saying, "Thank you for the food. Next time, tell me if you need anything in advance, if I pass by here on my way inland, I'll come to you!"

In addition, Ding Shaoyang thought to himself that they would probably be stationed on this island in about two weeks. He used to not care which island they were on, as they were all the same with poor food and inadequate sleep. But this time, he was actually looking forward to it!

Ding Shaoyang quickly left, and the other educated youths went about their own business. Before going to bed that night, they held a meeting. It was supposed to be presided over by Li Haixia, but unexpectedly, Li Haixia smiled and said, "Let's listen to Gu Ling. Although I am the team leader, I feel like I have less knowledge stored in my brain than Gu Ling."

In the end, Gu Ling wasn't polite. After all, survival is the most important thing, and they must quickly establish the basic necessities of life.

She roughly listed the tasks for each person for the following day, and everyone nodded in agreement, except for Peng Xiaoyue, who seemed distracted.

After summarizing today's work and planning for tomorrow, everyone entered their shed to sleep.

Gu Ling lay on the ground, covered with a quilt, and thought that sleeping on the ground for a prolonged period was detrimental to the body. She decided to find a way to make a bed tomorrow.

The next morning at seven o'clock, a gentle sea breeze swept across the island, carrying with it the fragrant scent of trees and the invigorating aroma of the sea. Birds chirped, and several people got up one after another to freshen up. After eating some dry food, smoked fish, and mushrooms, they began their day's work.

The first step was to cut down the trees. Gu Ling was in charge of drawing, while several male educated youths were responsible for the physical labor. After working for half a day, they made three basic beds and placed them in three sheds. They also constructed a fence around the huts to deter unexpected attacks from wild animals. Gu Ling was concerned about the possibility of snakes and insects appearing, as it could be dangerous if someone were to get injured. To prevent this, she decided to plant some wild mugwort near the fence.

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