Chapter 26: It Was Sun Xiulan Who Killed Gu Ling's Mother!

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Taming a mother buffalo is not a simple matter. This mother buffalo has been with her three calves for several days now. They cut grass and feed the buffalos every day, and it seems to have become somewhat gentle. However, whenever someone tries to approach and touch the mother buffalo, it immediately triggers her alertness.

Gu Ling made a headgear from wood, but for a while, they couldn't figure out how to put it on the mother buffalo's head. Several people gathered around the buffalo, looking at it for a long time, not knowing what to do.

Lu Yanchen came to the well where the educated youths were fetching water, and seeing them gathered around the buffalo looking troubled, he casually asked, "What's going on?"

On the other side, Peng Xiaoyue was still hiding in the house, crying. The educated youths here didn't know what had happened, so they faced Lu Yanchen with some composure.

Li Haixia was a bit worried, "Lieutenant Lu, we want to put a headgear on this wild buffalo to milk it, but it's very fierce and doesn't let anyone get close."

Before, Gu Ling had managed to throw a loop of rope over the buffalo's neck, but it was precisely fitting. However, throwing the headgear accurately was proving to be a challenge, and everyone was feeling anxious.

Meanwhile, Lu Yanchen, lifting the cup to collect water, had a distracted look in his eyes. He casually said, "What's so difficult about this? Just put it on while it's not paying attention."

Upon hearing this, everyone was momentarily stunned. Li Haixia awkwardly smiled, "Captain Lu, you really know how to joke."

Gu Ling couldn't help but say, "If it weren't for your words, I wouldn't have heard your words."

Isn't it just common sense? When magic meets magic, who wouldn't know how to do it?

Lu Yanchen, sensing the sarcasm in Gu Ling's words, raised an eyebrow slightly and took the headgear from Gu Ling.

"Watch closely."

He walked over, and Li Haixia couldn't help but remind, "Lieutenant Lu, be careful! This is a wild buffalo, very powerful. It might throw someone away!"

As soon as her words fell, Lu Yanchen suddenly grabbed one of the mother buffalo's horns. Then, with an easy leap, he directly flipped onto the back of the buffalo. In almost an instant, before the mother buffalo could go wild, he swiftly placed the headgear on its head!

The buffalo began to thrash wildly, but Lu Yanchen seized the reins around the buffalo's neck, controlling it with ease. The buffalo leaped three feet high, seemingly attempting to throw Lu Yanchen off. The nearby educated youths watched with trembling hearts.

He really did manage to put the headgear on while the buffalo wasn't paying attention! 

But how was Lu Yanchen going to get down now?

The mother buffalo roared in madness, and Lu Yanchen, seated on its back, tightly held onto the reins. Despite several moments where Gu Ling thought he would be thrown off, Lu Yanchen remained securely on the buffalo's back!

Gu Ling was internally shocked, her eyes slightly widened. She had never seen a man with such courage and strength, seemingly unafraid of anything. Despite the apparent danger, he handled it effortlessly, as if it were second nature.

It wasn't until Lu Yanchen jumped down after the exhausted buffalo had calmed down a bit that everyone's hearts finally returned to their proper places.

Gu Ling instinctively looked at Lu Yanchen's legs, and as if sensing her gaze, Lu Yanchen directly rolled up his pants. The bandage on his leg was once again stained red.

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