Chapter 12: Gu Ling Must Be Starving, Right?

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The next day, Sun Xiulan found a time to take Gu Ya to visit Gu Ling's uncle's house. 

Yang's grandparents have passed away, and now only Gu Ling's uncle, Yang Heping, is left. 

When Yang Shan passed away not long ago, Yang Heping and his wife often cared for Gu Ling. In order to prevent Yang Heping and his wife from going to Gu's house, Sun Xiulan used a simple trick. 

She directly told Gu Ling's aunt, Liu Hongying, "Our Ling Ling is picky about food. We only buy what she likes to eat. She only eats White Rabbit candy. She doesn't like the fruit candy you bought." 

After saying such things a few times, Liu Hongying also had some doubts in her heart. Originally, Gu Ling's aunt only cared about Gu Ling to an average extent. When she went back home, she was influenced by others, and Yang Heping was busy with work, gradually paying less attention to Gu Ling. 

Sun Xiulan also managed to say bad things about Gu Ling's uncle to Gu Changjian, which made Gu Changjian have a bad impression of Yang Heping. They had several conflicts and eventually pretended not to see each other when they met. 

During festivals, Gu Ling also did not go to her uncle's house to celebrate the new year. When Sun Xiulan met Liu Hongying, she would say, "I asked her to go and celebrate the new year, but she refused. She said she is not close to her uncle. Please don't mind." 

Naturally, after Gu Ling grew up, she didn't have much contact with her uncle's family, and over time, she got used to it.

 But before leaving, Gu Ling still remembered her uncle's family, but she didn't have time to go, so she entrusted Aunt Chen Xuefeng to go. 

So when Sun Xiulan arrived at Yang Heping's house, both Liu Hongying and Yang Heping didn't look very good. 

Sun Xiulan smiled gently, "Uncle Ling Ling, if it wasn't for no other choice, I wouldn't have come to find you. Ling Ling insisted on going to the island as a young educated youth recently, saying she wanted to see where her mother had been. We couldn't stop her. However, the family's situation is not good, so we couldn't give her much money. I heard that the conditions on the island are not good, and life is tough. Although I am a stepmother, I still want to send her more money and buy some new winter clothes to send in advance, so that she won't be cold."

Yang Heping's lips curled into a mocking smile. Liu Hongying asked angrily, "Ling Ling took over a thousand yuan when she left. How could there be a shortage of money?"

Sun Xiulan was taken aback and immediately understood that Yang Heping and the others knew everything!

She couldn't sit still either and decided to stop pretending. "Since you all know, I'll tell the truth. Gu Ling stole the money from our house! Over a thousand yuan, we can't make ends meet! You, as her uncle and aunt, either give us some money to make up for it, or we will report it. She will have a criminal record for the rest of her life!"

Yang Heping sneered and threw away his cigarette butt. Liu Hongying stood up abruptly. "Sun Xiulan, you're really good at pretending! I believed your words because I thought you were honest. You successfully drove a wedge between us and Ling Ling! But you didn't expect that one day Ling Ling would grow up and see through your true colors! She realized how many times you bullied her while pretending to be a good stepmother!"

She picked up a glass of water from the table and splashed it directly on Sun Xiulan's face. "You dare ask us for money? I've never seen such a shameless person like you!"

Yang Heping also said coldly, "Ling Ling told us before she left that although she saw through your true face, she didn't want to be entangled with you anymore. She told us not to look for you, so we let you go! But you came to us voluntarily? Then let's settle the score!"

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