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Y/N was hiding under a dinner table. Why? Good question. She wasn't too sure either. She was in "girl" mode and was wearing a simple, deep blue dress made of silk. She fingered the top layer of glittery tulle, reaching up to tie her hair into a ponytail using the ribbon that had held her napkin into a swan shape. Mother had felt too tired that day and had decided not to go to the night party. That meant she had the chance to go as female, and she could have some alone time to herself. She lowered her hands, her curtain bangs falling to frame her face. A body fell to the floor on the other side of the table cloth. She winced.

Out of nowhere, a bunch of low level villains had shown up and taken everyone hostage. She had practically dove under a table the second she had seen the first villain draw out a gun. Luckily she was near the back, so all was well. Y/N quickly devised a plan in her head. When she finally thought of one, she frowned, tilting her head. Her crystal earrings felt cold against her skin. She was unsure if this would work, but, if she played this right... she took a deep breath, and slowly inched out from under the table cloth. And started crying. Well, sniffling. She brought her knees to her chest and buried her face into her palms. As if on cue, a pair of black boots stalked up in front of her. The villain's shadow loomed over her.

"Girl. What are you doing? I swear I tied up everyone here... did I miss you somehow?" Y/N snapped her head up. She widened her blue eyes, willing them to well with tears that glistened in the dim candlelight. Her lower lip wobbled, and she let out a short hiccup. "I- I'm sorry-" She sniffled, rubbing her eyes. "I just... I couldn't move. You see..." Y/N paused for dramatic effect, before wailing. "He broke up with me! I came here with him and I dressed up just for him!" She waved her fingers subtly at her eyes, as if fanning the mascara that would have been running down her face. "It's so unfair! Why is it that I'm the one crying and he's the one who gets to run off with some other girl?" She sobbed. "And I forgot to get my mother's medication so I don't even know if she's okay!" The villain seemed stunned.

"Hey, Four Arms, you okay over there?"

The villain, Four Arms (as she could see by his extra pair of limbs protruding from his back) nodded hesitantly. "Uh, right. Yeah. I'm okay. Just, dealing with a hostage." He squatted, sitting on his heels. Y/N flinched, pausing her tears to peer up at him innocently through her eyelashes. He wore a flat, white mask, with only two holes for eyes. "Look kid, uh... I'm not really good with these types of things. I'm really supposed to be tying you up right now, but I'd feel kinda bad. This is my first job, actually- I don't really agree with this guy's motives, but as long as I don't have to hurt anyone, I'm fine with it. I don't think I'm doing anything right, though." He shifted from side to side. Y/N blinked. "Oh. Is that what's happening?" Her eyes welled once more. "This is the worst! Why do bad things keep happening to me? I hate this!" Y/N internally cringed at how childish she must have been acting. The villain shook his hands frantically. "Geez, please don't start crying again, I'd really be in a pickle then. Uh... how bout this-" He raised a pointer finger.

"I'll let you go to the restroom first. Let you get cleaned up, clear you head. Of course, I'll have to watch you, but I won't even cuff you! How's that sound?" Y/N stared at him incredulously. "...So, you're gonna tie me up anyway?"

The villain rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Sorry. Boss's orders."

Y/N sighed dramatically. "Fine. Figures." She rubbed her eyes once more, then got up, her stance a bit wobbly.

"...You okay?"

"Yeah. I hate heels. They hurt my feet."

"Oh. In that case, here-" Four Arms reached over and plucked the flats off of the nearest unconscious woman- the person who had fainted earlier. He handed them to her. "Might be a bit big, but I hope it helps." She sniffled and nodded, taking the shoes. "Thank you, Mister!" Was this guy really a villain? They walked over to the ladies restroom, and she made a show of hesitating before heading inside. Once inside, she quickly rushed to quietly bolt the door by sliding a cleaning broom in between the door handles. She made a show of closing the bathroom stall door, than glancing around. Dang it. She had lucked out, there weren't any windows. But there was a vent- in the upper corner. She would have to careful.

Y/N leapt up on top of a bathroom stall, balancing on the door. She reached up, pressing upwards and lifting the grate. She tilted it, bringing it out of the vent and using the ribbon around her waist to tie it to her wrist. Finally, she jumped straight up, pressing both her arms and legs to the walls beside her, essentially suspending herself within the grate. Y/N leaned to one side of the vent, quickly grabbing the vent cover before it clanged on the metal wall. She untied it, then recovered the vent by placing the cover back in its rightful place. Success! Then, she began inching her way vertically up the vent.

When she finally found a horizontal crossroad in the pathway, she heaved a sigh of relief. Thank god. Quickly, she twisted and threw herself onto the new path. She didn't want to use cursed energy here- it would damage the internal network of the building. And she didn't want to waste it before she actually found any real villains (she felt kinda sorry for the guy still waiting for her to come out of the bathroom).

She wiggled along. Finally, she found an opening. After determining that there was no one in the room, she punched open the vent and jumped through. Ah. She recognized this room- it was the maintenance room. It controlled all the other doors in the facility. She blinked. Okay. Open all of them! She flipped up all the switches on the control board, except for the main entrance that connected the ballroom to the rest of the hotel. It was better to cut off the villain's connection to the hotel- it wasn't like there would be any heroes there anyway, they would all be at the gala.

Curious, Y/N opened up the security feeds. And immediately burst into laughter. On the 200th floor she got a glimpse of Bakugo body slamming a strange bat-like villain onto the floor. It certainly was a sight.

"Oh my god." Y/N blinked and turned around, crossing her arms. "Dude, are you a cross dresser?" There, having fallen out of the opposite vent was Mineta, who seemed conflicted on whether or not to pass out from exertion or to stare at her glorified female form.

Thank god Mineta was stupid.

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