💥 14

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Y/N ran quickly across the rooftops towards Kiyashi ward's shopping mall. She had checked the group chat earlier and apparently that was where they were meeting up. She'd taken a quick train ride and then ran the rest of the way, to avoid the hustle and bustle of rush hour traffic. Upon entering the mall, she was pleasantly surprised at how large it was. She didn't have a lot of time to go shopping so this was one of the first times she had actually gone. She glanced around. The strongest source of cursed energy was from some kid who dropped his ice cream. No curses here. Good.

She looked at the store directory, looking up to the 3rd floor, which was clothing. She quickly hid out behind a pot plant to take off her ring and slip it into the chain on her neck, her hair lengthening. She needed to shop for some female clothes.

Maybe it was because she started hanging out with Shinso but she recently had the revelation that it would be good to dress as a girl in public to keep away straying eyes. If she wasn't in a recognizable form, less people were likely to approach her when she was pressed for time. Like yesterday, when that one rabid fangirl tracked her down while she was in the middle of fighting off a 3rd grade curse in the subway bathroom.The men's bathroom. That girl had spunk, she had to admit. Still though.

Twirling her long, dark colored locks around her finger Y/N stepped inside a lollita fashion store. She quite liked the different aesthetics of lollita and honestly with heroes dressing up in gaudy costumes no one could really judge cosplayers for their clothing choice. Lollita clothing was always so extra but so pretty at the same time. She had always admired them. "Oh my god, that dress is so cute!" Y/N squealed at the sudden cheer from behind her. "You should try it on, it would look good on you!"

The girl in front of her had blond hair pulled into two messy buns, one on either side of her head. She had yellow cat-like eyes and sharp canines- a large smile spread across her face. She looked cute. Her hands were clasped together as she beamed back at her. Y/N glanced at the dress in her hands. It was a deep shade of blood red with lace trimmings; a gothic vampire-maid outfit that came with a can of fake blood body paint. "Ah. You're right, it is cute." Y/N raised it up to eye level. "But I don't think it would fit me well. The bust is too small." She smiled, turning around and pressing the dress to the other girl's shoulders, glancing at how the shoulder and elbow joints matched up. The other girl froze. "It suits you better," Y/N decided. She pushed the can of blood into her hands as well. "The blood would look good on you too." At that, the girl's eyes widened, shining with what looked like- tears?

"Really? That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me! I love you so much!" ....Ok. The random love confession was a bit strange, but Y/N didn't mind. She had seen much stranger things. The other girl turned around and grabbed an outfit from the rack. She showed it to Y/N, grinning, her canines gleaming in the pink overhead lights. "This one would look good on you! You'd look just like a fairy princess!" Y/N giggled, reaching forward and gently touching the sheer, twilight blue tulle on the dress. It would match her eyes perfectly. And it was fashioned like a bit of a fancier sailor style school uniform, so it wouldn't be weird to wear it out and about. This girl had good taste. Y/N nodded. "It is pretty... add it to the pile!" She pointed to the plush couch behind her.

The girl's spent the next hour picking and choosing outfits for themselves and for each other. Y/N noticed that the girl- she said her name was Toga- like dark, academia clothes but was also not picky with cute, pastel style clothing. Her pile was a mix of dark blacks and bright pinks. Y/N herself preferred simpler, sleeker designs that usually had one or two lolita style pieces- like a lace and Brooch choker or cat ear stockings. Something small that could add flair to the whole outfit. Toga's opinion was ever so helpful- and her bright, contagious personality was fun to be around. Her fascination with blood was again, a little odd, but she didn't mind. It was fun- hanging out with someone. It was like she was just a normal teenage girl.

"Ah... I have to go home soon," Toga pouted, pointing at the cracked watch on her wrist. Noticing this, Y/N nodded, grabbing a pink rhinestone watch from the jewelry stand and adding it to the pile. "Alright! Let's go pay then." Y/N gathered the clothes in her harms, but stopped when she saw Toga staring sadly at the ground. "Hmm? What's wrong, Toga?"

Toga smiled sheepishly. "Shiggy didn't give me enough to buy all this. I was originally just planning to buy just one or two things. This was fun though!" She gave a sad smile, giving a halfhearted thumbs up.Y/N turned to the waiting cashier, who had rang up their total- $3020.24 yen. Y/N laughed. "Don't worry!" She pulled out a black card. "This is on me!" She swiped, the cashier bagged their clothes in record time, and Y/N handed Toga's share of clothing over. The girl looked stunned. Laughed. "Hey, hey- don't look like that. This amount of money is nothing. Besides, consider it payment- I had fun too, you know! Here, I'll give you my number-" Y/N hastily pulled a pen from her pocket and scribbled down her phone number on the back of the shop receipt. She paused at the sudden spike in cursed energy coming from the center of the plaza. "Here! Call me back sometime! Gotta go~" She handed Toga the receipt and raced off.

Y/N quickly threaded the ring back on her finger and dashed out of the shop, throwing a leg over the railing and leaping down 3 levels all the way back down to the main floor. She must have looked strange, a young boy holding several bright colored bags falling from the sky- but she didn't care- she looked around, speed walking over the where Midoriya sat, a man wearing a hoodie with his hand wrapped around his neck. Uh oh. That didn't look good. In front of them was Uraraka, looking visibly shaken. Something was wrong.

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