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A/N Lets speed through the sports festival :> There will be a slight difference to this. FIrst 5 teams make it past the calvary battle. Y/N will fight in different brackets than the original. In theory, these matchups won't work, but just bear with it. It's for- *the plot*.

Btw OC names areAI generated so yeah

A few days later, Y/N stood with the rest of Class 1A as they waited for the other courses to join them on the field. He squinted through his blindfold, glancing at the many faces in the stands. Huh. He hadn't expected him to come. At least he was being supportive. He grinned, and waved. Of course, he made no reaction. But it was enough that he was here.

"Time for our student speaker to say a few words! Let's give him a round of applause!"

"No way... Bakugo's the student representative?"

Y/N snorted. Oh. This was going to be funny, he thought as he watched Bakugo stalk up to the mic. He glared at all of them from where he stood on the platform. "I just wanna say... I'm gonn win."

Y/N puffed out his cheeks, trying to stop his laughter as the crowd erupted into boos. "Aw man, now everyone is gonna hate us!" "Doesn't make much of a difference Kirishima, they already do. Thats Bakugo for you, not much we can do about it." Y/N raised a hand, laughing. "Let's all do our best everybody!"

And now, he stood in the midst of a hundred students truying to clambour they're way through the school gtes. An obstacle course was the first event. Y/N watched as Todoroki and Bakugo made their way to the front. Well, at least the understood. Didn't the rest of them know, that this was a part of the test? Really, this was going to be so easy. Best have a little fun. He squatted down, shoving his hands in his pockets. Breath, he thought. The stampede of students rushed forward. Breath. And, jump. He soared above the crowd of students, landing lightly on his feet in front of him. Then, he began sprinting forward. Todoroki and Bakugo were already pinpricks in the distance. On the ground was a robot, which bore scorch marks. So, this was meant to slow them down- and it seemed that Bakugo already took care of one. Y/N spotted Todoroki's ice as he passed. 50 meters ahead three robots cluttered towards him. "Target acquired, prepare for fire-" Y/N grabbed a scrap piece of metal on the ground, using his cursed energy to wrap it around itself into a makeshift stick.

He jumped spinning through the air. His legs cut straight through the legs of a robot, the stick taking care of another. He stepped back, thrusting the stick through the chest cavity of the robot as it fell, pushing it forward so it wouldn't risk falling backwards onto the rest of the students. Y/N wasn't that cruel to make them have to deal with his messes. Then he kept going.

"Woah, did you see that? Y/N Suzume just defeated three robots in one go! He got them out of the way for the other students too, how considerate!"

The next obstacle was a canyon of rocks, with ropes connecting the platforms for students who didn't have quirks that could help them get easily across. Y/N stopped, looking around. Mina was sliding across a rope with her acid, leaving the pathway unusable. Smart girl, cutting off her opponents. But he didn't need those. He could just jump. He leapt from one platform to another, taking his time as to not draw any suspicion. "Hi Iida!" He called as he passed. "Y/N! What-" Y/N jumped away. He reached the other side in no time. Just as his feet made contact with the ground. A puff of pink smoke exploded in the distance, followed by panicked shouts. Huh? He ran.




Oh. Well, this sucks, he thought dryly as he watched a student be blown into the air. The god thing is, there are less bombs in the back because so many people kept messing up. And at least it was clear, where the bombs were. He didn't need to think much. He jumped forward, alternating between landing on his feet or hands as he jumped through the bombs. Around 40 feet in front of him Todoroki and Bakugo battled for first place. Well, who cares about them, as long as finished he didn't care what he placed. A large explosion sounded behind him. As he made his next jump, swiveled in the air to see Midoriya sailing through the air on a makeshift sled. "Woah, look at him go," Y/N mused.

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