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Sadako Sasaki- hero name Dove- had seen many, amazing heroes in her career. She had been around for a while, yes, and had been born around the time of Allmight's bronze age. He had set the bar, for her expectations in a hero. But once in a while, she would meet a hero who she thought was truly amazing, despite her prejudices as an Allmight fan. And for the longest time, like most people, Allmight was truly the top in her mind. He was so strong, after all. He seemed undefeatable. But with a quirk like hers- more suited for healing than fighting- her dreams of being a hero seemed unreachable. But then he came.

Hawks. The wing, pro hero who never failed to swoop in and save the day. He had a quirk so similar to hers- and for the first time, the stars seemed to be within her reach. She worked hard, attending Shiketsu academy for her hero training, training as hard as she could and then finally crying waterfalls when she finally got her acceptance into Hawk's agency. She was never a fighter, and she never could be, but she never let that hold her back. She got basic defense training but spent most of her time into search and rescue. And, once she had built Haw's trust she occasionally took on a few interns as well. And that was how she nurtured the next generation of heroes, in her own way. She wanted only the best for them, after all. Some of them were truly remarkable, as well. Including Y/N Suzume.

That boy truly was an enigma. He had shed off the blindfold he had worn at the sports festival (as it had pretty much been revealed to the world it was rendered useless) revealing beautiful, blue-luster eyes underneath. She couldn't fathom why he would hide such a thing. And he himself, was beautiful. He could have been a model if he didn't want to be a hero. But the reason he was so mysterious was his absence of a quirk. He had said, quite plainly, that he didn't have one. She had remembered how shocked she was, sitting in the stands as the interview played. But it was true. But there was no way to explain it, right? His strength, his determination as he sped off to save others- like a true hero. No, there was. Quirkless or not, that boy was a hero. She was sure of it. And Dove- The winged hero of hope- was never wrong.

And when the loud, explosion of a timed bomb never came, she couldn't help but smile.

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"He did it, Hawks!" Dove jumped excitedly in front of him, her hands clasped. "He stopped the bomb! It's over!" Hawks stood in his place, unmoving. No. Something was wrong. Y/N had yet to respond. And there was a news helicopter circling the building. Something was very, very wrong.


"Exorcist. Are you and the girl alright? I'm coming over-"

"No." Hawks stopped, mid-takeoff.

"I left the girl in front of building 9. Her mother's name is Yuri Hanimachi. Please find her and return the child to her. I won't be able to do it myself."

Hawks frowned. "Alright, I'll send someone over. But you should rest. You must be tired-"

"I can't." For a second, Hawks sensed it. The slight break in his voice. The waver of pain, of tired, weary unease.

"There's another one."

His heart stopped.

"Another villain?" He asked carefully. A pause.

"No. Yes, but no. He's not human. He's no nomu."

"Do you need backup?"

"No. Hawks-sama. I know what to do. Whatever you do, do not send back up. No matter what happens. I need to do this myself. Only I can do this."

Hawks grit his teeth. Beside him, a weasel IT rushed to his side. He had opened his computer, showing a live broadcast from the news helicopter.

"I will explain later. But- I need to take care of this curse first. It's possessed another person." And the line cut off.

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