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The next day Y/N walked with Todoroki to class. Or, he followed him. Y/N didn't say much, which Todoroki appreciated. When people talked to him, he felt compelled to comply, but it always ended with awkward silence. Mustering up the courage, he voiced a question that had been at the back of his mind ever since the two had met up at the school gate that morning. "...What's with the bag?" Y/N turned to him, smiling. It was strange, not seeing his eyes as he talked. He had been so used to seeing full faces (minus Shoji) that he had misjudged how important it was to see someones eyes. His mother had always said that the eyes were the window into the soul. Thats why he could never tell what Y/N was thinking- because he always covered them.

"Hmm? Oh this? I borrowed Iida's books yesterday. Did some reading. Are you guys really still on the Heian era chapter?" "Yes. Miss. Midnight is supposed to go material from the old curriculum before beginning the Modern Hero History curriculum. Its been adapted because quirks haven't really been around long." "Hmm, makes sense. Its already been a week into school by now, though." Todoroki watched the boy closely. "Did you not find it confusing? There is a lot of dates to remember. I overheard Ashido talking about how its even hard for her to remember the order of the eras." Y/N shook his head. "Nope!" He raised his hands to the ceiling, stretching. "Didn't find it hard at all! I already knew pretty much everything, so I went through it fast." Before he could ask anything more, they had already reached the classroom. "Well then, let's work hard today too, Todoroki!" With that, Y/N kicked open the door. "Iida! I got your books!"

Todoroki never understood how one person could have so much energy. Y/N gave off similar "vibes" (was that the word?) to Kirishima, but something was different. It didn't feel genuine, sometimes. And his smile was kind of unsettling.

"I hope you studied well!" Y/N nodded, handing over the bag. He had been waiting at Y/N's desk. "Don't worry, class rep, stayed up all night looking through them. You take great notes, by the way. Very insightful." Iida's eyes widened behind his glasses. "All night? Y/N, I applaud your enthusiasm for our curriculum, but I must remind you to have sufficient amounts of sleep every night! As students of such a prestigious school we must be excellent scholars on top of being heroes!" The blindfolded boy shrugged. "Alright, whatever you say, Iida. Oh right, by the way-" He pointed to the bag. "Open it."

A look of confusion came over the boy's face, but he did as he was told. He pulled out a bag of made of colored paper and peered inside. "Is this...Kikufuku mochi?" At this, Y/N grinned. "As expected of our class rep, of course you would know of Sendai's specialty treat! It's delicious! One of my favorites, for sure!" Iida chuckled at his classmates enthusiasm for the dessert. He pulled out the sizable box, his eyebrows raising. "I've heard this shop is quite famous too. I once visited the shop with my brother but the line was atrociously long. How did you get your hands on it?" Uraraka peered over Iida's shoulder. "It's mochi!" She brightened at seeing the food. "I'll share some with you, Uraraka." "Oh, you really don't need to, but thanks!"

"Ah. I went yesterday. After class." Y/N shrugged. Iida stared at her. "After class? Sendai is hours away from here. I'm sure you took the first train there?" Y/N shook his head. "Nope." He sat down at his desk. "I walked." "You walked?" The words were said in synchrony by the black and brown haired student- but one more as well. "Ashido? You were listening?" Y/N turned.

Mina Ashido. A girl whose "quirk" allowed her to secrete acid from her body. A formidable power. Her cursed energy was nothing to gawk at, though. She was pretty, in her own way, with her fair, pink skin and two yellow horns that poked out of a head of voluptous curls. The girl giggled sheepishly. "Sorry guys, I couldn't help it... but seriously," Ashido turned to Y/N. "You walked? That would have taken, like, days- and you made a round trip!" Y/N laughed awkwardly. "Yeah and uh, I may have- taken a few detours." He grinned amicably as he recalled the 3rd grade curse he had found loittering around the mochi shop. There was no way he would let such a foul thing ruin the taste of his precious mochi. Its blood had gotten all over his shoes, though. "You're insane."

"Wait, Sendai is approximately a 4 hour train ride from here, to walk would take around a day and a half- especially because you need to take a ferry if you didn't take a train. Then to come back, that would be around three days. Not to mention the line, which would be an hour wait at least... could it be, your quirk has something to do with teleportation?" Midoriya asked, bright eyes. Y/N almost felt bad. "Nope." Midoriya's shoulders dropped and he sighed. "Wrong again." He straightened, a determined look coming over his face. "That's okay though, I swear I'll figure it out!"

Uraraka giggled leaning closer to the boy. "You're so enthusiastic about this, Deku!" Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Deku? Like, Deck?" Uraraka froze like a statue. "Oh, about that- its weird I know. I used to be called Deku for a long time, even as a kid, and I always thought it was an insult. But, Uraraka helped me realize that it meant something different! So I made it my hero name! Hehe." Y/N gave the brown haired girl a pointed look, watching her turn a steady shade of red. "Oh really? That's... interesting." With that, the three went to their seats and sat down, just as Aizawa entered the room.

He wasted no time in explaining what the lesson was for that day, and then left. It was clear what he meant as he sludged- albeit rather quickly- out of the room. Follow me. Y/N thought for a moment. "USJ, huh? Oh wait, I know where that is! It's the simulation room! That should be fun! I'll meet you guys outside!" With that, the boy walked over to the open window, swung a leg over the edge, and hopped out. It had happened so fast no one had time to react. "Oh my god, Y/N!" Hagakure squealed. Oijiro hurried over to the ledge. He peered down. "Oh. He's ok. He's waving back up at me." He leaned back and turned back to the rest of the class. "We should go now.

"Dude, did you see that? We're two floors up!"

"Yeah I know, shitty hair, get out of my face."

"Right, sorry man!"

"Stop apologizing."

"Right! Sorry! Oh. Sorry! Wait-"

💥 💣💥 💣

The class met up once more in the front of the school. With that, they began walking as a group to the training center. The walk was long, and boring, and with that, the students began to make small talk with each other to pass the time.

"Hey Jirou, you play guitar right? Do you think you can teach me sometime? I wanna play some sick riffs!" The girl in question had ear phone jacks dangling from her ears. She gave the blond boy a strange boy, but upon seeing the genuine expression on his face, she sighed. "Alright." We'll have to do lessons after school though... and where would we go? I doubt my dad would appreciate me bringing a boy home."

Y/N listened to their conversation with vague interest. Oh? Another ship? He laughed to himself.

"What are you laughing about, extra?" He turned. Katsuki Bakugo. Apparently he sweats nitroglycerin, and then he can blow it up. A human bomb. "Nothing. I find everything funny, to be honest." Y/N stared at him. He smirked. "Like your hair. Also, you kind of remind me of a pomeranian, you know that?" Bakugo fumed. He took a step towards him, his palms sparking. "What the hell are you saying?" Y/N sighed, shaking his head. "Geez, its a compliment, you know? Pomeranians are cute. If I got a dog, I would get a Pomeranian. They're really fluffy." Y/N stared at him, watching as the gears turned in his head. "Whatever." His carmine eyes narrowed.

"And what the hell is with that scrap of fabric anyway? How can you see shit with that on?"

"Hmm." Y/H was suprised the guy hadn't tried to blast his face off with his quirk, but he wasn't complaining. "Midoriya actually asked me that, yesterday. He did ask more nicely, though." Y/N gave Bakugo a pointed look. "I guess I forgot to answer him." Y/N smiled eerily. "Well think about it, people always cover up their insecurities, don't they?" With that, the conversation was dropped. But Mina, being who she was, kept tension from becoming too thick by playing music loudly on her phone.

With that, they had reached the USJ training center. Before entering, Aizawa turned to face them. "All of you." He gave them all a stern look. The class bristled, but Y/N stared back at him, unperturbed. He sighed. "Behave. For the love of god, please behave." Y/N snickered, remembering the note on his letter. Then, the doors opened.

Too bad, they didn't know what was coming next.

It was really too bad.

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