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"...So obviously, all of you are going!" Aizawa's cheshire grin spread unervingly across his face. The class erupted into cheers. "It's a last minute twist!" Mina wailed in pure joy as tears of happiness ran rivers across her cheeks. She draped herself over Y/N's shoulder. "Uwa, aren't you glad, Y/N? The whole class gets to be together during the summer! Isn't that amazing?" Y/N snorted. "I wouldn't celebrate just yet. You'll still have extra classes, you know." Mina shrugged. "Please, how bad can it be?" Very bad. Have you even met Aizawa, girl? Y/N thought wryly. Well, I'd hate to burst her bubble now. "Hey, now that I think about it," Mina thought out loud.

"I actually have some stuff to get." Tsu nodded. "Me too. I know, what about we all go shopping together on the weekend?" Surprisingly Iida was the first to agree. "That's a superb idea! A class shopping trip would be a great way to strengthen our bonds with our peers!" "I'm in!" Mina cheered. "Y/N, you gotta go!" Y/N shook her head defiantly. "Sorry, but I can't. I got stuff to do." "I can't go either. I'm visiting someone," Todoroki said flatly. "And I'm guessing Katsuki's out too, right?" Y/N asked. The spiky haired boy snarled in response. "No way am I wasting my time with you extras!" He turned and walked away in typical Bakugo fashion. "Hey! What about you, Deku?" Y/N turned her head to where Uraraka was talking to Deku, the green haired boy steadily turning pink. "Um- I'm... not sure. This is kind of the first time I've been out with so many friends." Y/N laughed. "Aw, don't Bakugo your way out of this, Deku! Besides, I bet Uraraka would want you to go." Uraraka's pink cheeks turned a darker shade of pink, and she puffed her cheeks out in annoyance. She looked more like a hamster than the terrifying persona she was trying to be. "Suzume-san, did you just use Kachan's name as a verb? But now that I think about it, it kinda makes sense..."

"Hey, Y/N!" Mina bounded over from where she was talking to Kirishima. She had long since abandoned the honorifics with her. "Where do you gotta go? Kinda sad that you can't join us." Y/N shrugged. "Hawks-sama called me up. Said something about an offer." Mina's eyes widened. "No way. An offer? Like, as a permanent sidekick?" Y/N shook her head. Even if that was the case she would turn him down. Hawks was a good mentor, he reminded her of her brother, but she didn't have time to be part of a hero agency. The end goal was to be a sorcerer anyway. "No." Y/N grinned. "An offer, from a modeling agency."

💥 💣💥 💣

It felt strange to be back at Hawk's agency at Kyushu, even though it really hadn't been that long since she had last entered through it's doors. But when she did, the reception was completely different. It was like everything in the lobby had stopped. Every head turned to face her. Y/N blinked. She offered an easy smile, tilting her head so the lights overhead caught in her jewel blue eyes. "Yo~ Glad to be back! Where's Hawks-sama?"

Immediately the crowd was upon her. Her eyes closed even as she kept her smile on her face. Just remember to breath, she thought to herself.

"Exorcist! Glad you're back!"

"You took some hard hits back at that fight, are you alright?"

"Wait, why are you here again?"

"Comming through, comming through-" A girl with bright fushia eyes and the ears of a shepherd dog pushed her way through. She smiled upon seeing her. "Y/N Suzume, right? Hawks-sama will arrive in 5 minutes. We've remodeled the top floor since you were last here, wuld you like me to lead you to his new office?" Really? Well, Hawks was rich, even for a hero. He had tipped the barista at the coffee shop 1000 yen like it was nothing. So he could probably afford to make a few renovations. "Alright then!" He drew a teddy bear on a little girl's backpack (why were there kids in the agency, anyway?) and followed the girl into the elevator.

"So, you new or something?" The girl nodded. "Yes. I just started here! My dad's been working for Hawks since his debut. I've heard great things about him, so it's always been my dream job to work here too! But, I never knew I would become a secretary! I'm so happy!" She smiled to herself, clutching her clip board tighter. "Hmm, that's fine and all." Y/N mused. "But... What happened to the last one?" The dog girl turned to her. "Hmm? Who? I don't think there was anyone before me. Hawk's did all his work by himself." She stared at him quizically. "Huh." Y/N thought for a moment. "Never mind, I guess I'm just hallucinating again!" He laughed it off. "What's your name, again?" He asked.

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