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Is this a hero? Y/N stared at the astronaut in front of him. The hero's voice was kind, and her enthusiasm was contagious as she explained the USJ to the class. She was cute, in some ways. "...After all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others."

In some ways, the morals of a hero aligned with those of a sorceror. Y/N could empathize with that. But, there were still too many differences with the two professions. Everytime he saw heroes laughing at interviews on the television at this apartment, or heroes he saw patrolling the streets in gaudy costumes in Sendai, unaware of the evil- the countless curses- killing people right under their noses... he felt sick. He knew he couldn't blame them. They couldn't use the cursed energy in their bodies. They weren't even comparable to windows. After all you can't fight something you can't see. Still.

Y/N was roused from his thoughts at the sudden gasp of the UA students. A dark purple portal had opened in front of them. Hmm? That was weird. He looked around, his gaze turning to thirteen. But she seemed just as confused as them. "Thirteen! Protect the students!" Ah. So this wasn't planned then. Y/N and Aizawa locked eyes. He stared at him, eyes narrowed. Is this your doing? He seemed to say. Y/N shrugged and shook his head. Aizawa didn't seem convinced, but he had no choice but to turn back towards the portal, his teeth grit as his eyes began to glow. Y/N tensed as he sensed the curse energy levels spike.

And then, he appeared.

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"Has training started yet?" Kirishima frowned. "Who are these guys?" Y/N laughed darkly. "Ha. You haven't figured it out yet? Those are villains. The real deal." "...wha?" "Kaminari, don't short circuit on us now!" In front of them, Aizawa called, "This is real. Those are villans." He begrudgingly confirmed. Y/N gave the class a pointed look, raising his eyebrows under his blindfold. See? Told you. Amateurs. He felt bad, but he couldn't help but see the gap between them. "Aizawa!" He called. "What do we do?" Their teacher didn't answer. But the grip on his binding cloth tightened. Y/N sighed. "Let's stay back, you all. We're just students. Let the pros handle this." He trudged to the back, but stopped when a purple mist villain began to speak. Y/N's head snapped towards him, eyes flaring. No way.

"...Allmight. The great symbol of piece." The man with a hand over his face rasped out. Geez, get a cough drop, won't you? Y/N frowned. But All Might? He knew that name. Wasn't that the skeletal guy back at the staff room? He looked weak. His cursed energy levels were off the charts, sure, but with that form, Y/N couldn't help but feel skeptical. "Maybe if I kill a few kids, they'll come out to play." Ok. And now Y/N was paying attention. He snarled. Killing people, now? That went against his morals, and now he was obligated to get rid of this guy. He was still a person though, so he couldn't kill him. Y/N hesitated. What should he do? There was no curse to exorcise.

"Kaminari, you sure you can't contact the school?" Y/N asked as Aizawa began fighting the villians. "I did! It doesn't work!" His arms flailed. "It's like everythings jammed! I could try again, but-" "No. Don't bother. Don't waste your energy trying if we know it doesn't work. Save it. We might have to fight." Yaoyorozu gasped. "Fight? But- but we're just students!" Y/N didn't turn to face her, watching everyone of Aizawa's opponents as he took them down. That one's not a threat, he thought to himself. Too weak. That one too. The strong ones aren't fighting yet. "Would you rather die?" Y/N asked airily. "Thirteen is already out of commission. We can't contact the school. Aizawa can't hold off the villians forever."

"But its like you said, he's a pro, he'll be fine, right?" Y/N nodded. "Yeah, he's a pro. But he's only human-" Suddenly two blurs- one red, one blond- whirled past him, creating a gust of wind that blew his hair in all directions.

"Did ya think we were just gonna stand around- and let you TEAR THIS PLACE TO SHREADS?"



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