chapter one hundred and forty one

Magsimula sa umpisa

"So cute", Mark mutters, not wanting to embarrass Jaemin further but wanting to tell him.

"And I thought Xiaojun and Kun were bad."

Mark looks behind him and finds Shotaro and Hendery now standing with them. He rolls his eyes and then smiles solely at Hendery.

"Mark, who's this?"

"If I answer honestly, you'll scold me."

This time, Shotaro rolls his eyes before smiling at Marks parents. "Hi, I'm Shotaro, one of Marks precious friends." He gestures to Hendery. "This is Hendery, he's alright."

Hendery forces a smile on his face. "I will be embarrassing him later. Feel free to make it worse."

"I could've used that on Alyssa", Haechan mumbles, making Jisung laugh.

"You always wish you could've bothered Alyssa more."

"Of course."

There's a few more conversations before they're finally ready for the ceremony to start. Minjae, Affinity, and Reese hug each of their parents before Reese and Minjae rush back to their seats while Affinity goes back to her place in front of the line since she's the flower girl. 

The music starts, signalling the Affinity to start. She's followed by the rest of the wedding party which includes Chenle, Doyoung, Johnny, Jaehyun, Donovan, Kaley, Ten, Jungwoo, Renjun, Taeil, Taeyong, Alyssa, Zoe, Andrea, and Sam. Haechan, Jaemin, Mark, and Jeno were aware that they'd be a little crowded but the amount of people they'd chosen was as small as they were willing to get and they didn't really care.

After everyone is in their place, the music changes, making a Jaemin a bit more nervous than before but the reassuring smiles and hand squeezes his parents give him make him feel better. He does his best to watch his daughter and then takes a deep breath right before his first step. He's grateful that he remembers to smile because it would look really awkward otherwise.

Jisung gives Haechan a quick hug before it's their turn to walk and like Haechan was advised, he keeps his eyes ahead, focusing on Jaemin. It helps that Jaemin smiles and he looks so beautiful that it's really hard to look aware from him. Alyssa also catches his attention but the first time Haechan looked at her, she'd made a funny face that threatened to make Haechan so he refuses to look at his little sister again.

"Gorgeous", Jaemin murmurs when Haechan is finally right in front of him. 

Haechan looks away but Jaemin sees the adorable shy smile on his face that makes him want to kiss Haechan already. The two turn their attention to the aisle, not wanting to miss any of Jenos walk. Even with the distance between them, they can tell he's blushing and it's adorable.

Jeno has to remind himself that his job requires attention to be on him sometimes so this should be a piece of cake but as always, it's different when it comes to three people he's in love with. He can feel himself getting shyer as he tries to look at two of the three people he's about to marry. 

"Your face is red", his dad tells him quietly when they reach the end. Jeno just nods, eyes trained on the ground as his parents kiss his cheek and forehead. Jeno finishes the few small steps it takes to be in Haechan and Jaemins embrace and he manages to flash a nervous smile before they all turn their attention the aisle.

Seeing everyone staring at him makes Mark the most nervous he's ever felt, but he reminds himself that this is his wedding. It's hard for him to look at any of his partners, feeling so many things, mostly the jittery excitement that hasn't left his body since yesterday when he went to bed. He doesn't pay attention to his mom kissing his cheek or his dad rubbing his back before they step away, too focused on finishing the final steps to his fiances. When he reaches them, he's surprised to see that Jeno is teary-eyed but then he gets distracted by the comforting hands that are holding his and the beautiful smiles he loves seeing.

Love Me | MarkNoHyuckMinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon