get to know me!!

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I'm bored and I feel like you don't really know me and I would honestly never shut up about myself if you let me so😂

1. My given name is Alison (please don't call me by it)

2. To explain 1, um, I'm nonbinary, genderfluid specifically and for me personally, anything that holds any femininity in relation to me kind of makes me uncomfortable and for me, the name Alison does that. So does the color pink and more mildly, ruffles, bows, and butterflies

3. I'm a closeted(?) nonbinary person so I am used to the pronouns I've been referenced with since I was born (she/her) but I don't always like it. A majority of the time, I don't care but I have my days where I'm just like no😂

And to add, I prefer they/them generally but it just depends and I've seriously had days where I'm like do not perceive me. Like call me an alien, like don't even try anything else, I don't wanna be a human right now😂

4. My middle name is Rose. I liked it a lot more when I was younger but I'm kinda over it. It does come from my grandma(on my mom's side) whose first name is Rosalinda and I do kinda like that I have part of her name in mine

5. Speaking of my grandma, she is half Filipino and half black (which I didn't know until I was like 11 cause I just thought she was Filipino). My grandpa is black so my mom is a mix of them and my dad is white so me and my brothers are biracial

6. To tie in the previous point, I LOVE some of the Filipino dishes my grandma makes. Number one will ALWAYS be adobo(I honestly don't know how to explain this so you're better off looking it up but people do make it differently but the key ingredient is vinegar). My grandma's specifically(It smells so good I swear. Like you smell it outside the front door from the kitchen and the smell always let me know my favorite dish was being made. And the tears from the smoke😂). It is literally the best thing I've ever had

7. I've mentioned this before but not much. My little brother is 9 and he is my half brother. My older brother is 23 (99 liner with Mark, Hendery, Xiaojun ayyy) and we have the same dad

8. I feel you could still be confused after I say this but this is meant to kind of explain. My older brother is autistic and very "mild" for someone with autism. He very much still has his things, he stims (which is like a form of fidgeting, I think. I forgot but it's a movement thing), he struggles with social cues, not great at understanding jokes (I'm not always great at it either tbh), has ocd traits, etc. Though he is physically older (this is how my mom explained it to me), he's mentally younger and so the younger mentality and a more mature one kind of blend together. Which means I'm kind of like his big sister too, even though I'm physically younger

9. I am actually a middle child. I hate it, the stereotypes are true. Not true for every middle child but you know, those ideas came from somewhere and parents seem to be keeping it alive

10. This was not intentionally supposed to be a fanfic account. NCT, more specifically. I'll explain in the next point cause it goes together

11. This account is my NCT/fanfic/Kpop/whatever account. I had a main account before this. I still use it but less cause I love it here so much more. That being said, when I originally made this account, I just wanted somewhere to start my original stores more hidden away from the friends I have on my main account. It was supposed be like a fresh start. At the time this account was made, I'd already discovered NCT fanfics and I just wanted to kinda separate the two so over here, I'd just read fanfics, whatever. And then I got that idea for 'Genuine' (My first ff story, I am not encouraging you to read it) and started writing it and we already know I have a million ideas and writing/story impulses so now we're here and I'm glad we are

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