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I wake up the next morning or day shall I say, feeling happy but broken. My body is a mess and I just need something to heal all these bruises. I don't know who to blame, myself? Tom?

I realise Tom isn't in the same bed sleeping, there are some slight noises downstairs, rumbling and fussing. I rub my temple and fully wake myself up. I stumble a little bit as I walk along the soft rug overtopping the cold floor. It is way too early for this I repeat in my mind.

As soon as I open the bedroom door to let myself out of the dark room, putting my sincere overthinking to a side, the house is silent as a couple of members walk out the door, I wonder whos leaving?

I peek around the corner and see nobody there. My face twists into a confused gesture as my whole body reveals itself to the corridor. I walk down the stairs hearing complete silence. I swear I just heard people still being in the house a second ago.

I shrug it off and turn the corner to the kitchen, and then..."BOO," My heart races as my hold body is frozen and I scream in fear. I see Maria and Bill laughing their heads off at my reaction. I smack both of them in the arm as Maria fumbles into my arms still laughing. I couldn't help but put a small grin on my face. My scared heart pumping comes to a stop and everyone calms down and takes a breather.

"That was so not funny!" I say in a tone.

"How come you were smiling then!" Maria teased with a sweet smile on her face. I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. I see a couple of saved waffles for me. I go to the fridge and see a nice bottle of coke, I take it out and place it on the counter.

"Wait, I wouldn't drink that, it's Tom's and he adores coke." Bill stares at the bottle then me.

I open the bottle completely ignoring him and take a big sip whilst looking at him, Bills raises his eyebrows.

That coke is refreshing, it just fuels my body up.

I finish 2 waffles and, Maria and Bill chat around for a little bit. Suddenly, the door creaks open and Tom walks through the door. He looks at me and sighs. Tom's stare is so ominous but it is pretty hot.

"Oh hey Tom, how was it?" Bills asks, Tom plays with his braids. "Yeah it was alright," He answers back. He swishes past me and I look at him. He digs through the fridge but pauses.

"Where is my coke? Who drank it?" Tom questions, he looks at all of us and Maria and Bill look at me whilst I look away from Tom.

"Camila, did you drink my coke?" Tom comes closer.

"Ummm, no?" I answer back, holding back my smile. I back away and start to laugh a little. Tom grins and I run away around the kitchen, Tom chases after me. I feel quite childish but it's okay. Tom chases me around in circles.

"Tell me the truth!!" Tom shouts, still chasing me around. "I didn't!" I giggle, I slow down a little bit but I don't realise Tom is right on my tail and he grabs me round the waist, giving me tingles shooting down my spine and Tom spins me around to face him.

Still holding onto my waist, "You did drink it didn't you?"

"It was refreshing?" I shrug with pride. Tom scoffs and smiles at me and pushes me away.

I look at Mari and she's grinning at me weirdly. "What!" I say, Maria hesitates and laughs. We all sit down on the couch and have some laughs, as well as chat about some random stuff.
I'm gonna quickly end it here and start making the next chapter! I know I said in the last one this chapter would be a little bad but change of plans, it's the chapter after this one! Hope you understand, and sorry for not posting in ages!

1st of December too!! Hope you all have a good Christmas💕

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