Nice Try

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I sprint out the door as fast as I can, not a single regret in the world.

My hair blowing in the wind, the breeze giving me goosebumps and I was shaking as I took every quick footstep across the path, I was finally gone, and I hoped he wouldn't find me. I kept running until I no longer could, I was really out of breath, but I knew to keep running for my life.

I can't anymore, I can't even hold myself together I am way too out of breath. I continue to walk, I check my phone hoping Maria hasn't messaged me to see where I am because that is when I knew I'd be busted. Phew, nothing. She's probably sleeping in Bills' arms right now, to be honest.

I see that my dad has called and messaged a couple of times.

"Hey darling, just checking up. :)"

"Hiya how are ya?"

"Hopefully you will reply soon!"

"You doing okay?"

"I love you, remember that."

5 missed calls.

My eyes start to fill up but I quickly wipe it away. I miss him so much, I hope I could just pack all my stuff and just leave, go back to see my father. No note, no message, no call, nothing, just me myself and I leaving.

I continue to walk in the cold air, scared and praying the cars that swoosh by are not Tom. I walked for a little longer, having no clue in the world where I was, I was lost. Hopefully, I can find somewhere to stay.

I carry on my journey, humming to my thoughts, not paying attention to anyone else. I hear something behind me but I ignore it.

Suddenly something pushed me down to the rock ground, I scraped my knees, and I wince in pain. Shit. I feel a kick to my stomach, I groan in pain. That one hurt, I look up to see who it is...Tom.

"Nice try bitch," Tom states evil, I look at him with a painful face, I thought I'd gotten away. "Oh and I will be taking this now," Tom adds and grabs my phone, I hesitate but he forcefully pulls it out of my hands.

"Fuck you!" I exclaim, another kick. I twist and turn in pain, Tom not caring at all.

"How fucking dare you try to run away from me?" Tom asks madly.

"I don't give a fuck, I wanted to get out, I don't want you Tom!" I shout, tears filling my eyes and rolling down. Tom kneels and slaps me in the face, he grabs my chin to force me to look at him.

"You ever try to run again and I will kill you," Tom looks me dead in the eye, our beads connecting. He had a gun in his pocket, he proudly let me catch a glimpse of it. I look back up at him in fear. He had beautiful brown eyes, but behind those eyes, there was a messed-up monster who made everyone's life a living nightmare.

"Get up," Tom demands, I can barely breathe so I generally cannot get up. I tried to but failed.

"I said get up," Tom raises his voice a little.

"I-I can't." I catch my breath, as I hold my stomach tight to block the pain.

"I said fucking get up!" Tom grabs me and drags me up, I clutch my stomach still.

"Get in the car," Tom forces, he shoves me a little. I ended up getting in his car in tears.

"Ungrateful bitch" Tom mutters, but I manage to hear it.

I thought I had gotten away, but no it's like he has some sort of tracker on me or something! I lay my head on the window, watching everything as the car drove by, this isn't the last run, I'm going to run away soon I just need time to think about it. Tom gives me a few glances in his black-rimmed rearview mirror. I'm just so sick of this. Why me? Why did he have to choose me to live this life, I do not want to.

We ended up getting back to the house after a couple of minutes since Tom went fast with rage. He pulls the car to a stop fast, making me throw myself forward. Tom opens the door for me, I get out and he slams the door shut, he seems quite mad. We get in the house and he pushes me to go faster, guessing he wants me to head up to his room.

I sit on his little chair that he has in the corner of his room, I slouch down and stare at the floor.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Tom said he's still going on about it huh?

"I said I fucking wanted to get away, from you!" I raise my voice at him.

Tom chuckles, "You can run but you can't hide princess," I hate that nickname. I grunt in my position.

"Don't call me that," I demanded. "Sorry, are you making orders to me?" Tom walks a little closer to me.

"I hate that fucking name, princess. I ask you to stop shitting calling me that." I growl. Tom cocks his head and squints his eyes for a split-second. Tom walks back to the bed and lays down, Tom has some paintings across his room, which I admire whilst I can, I am bored and tired, but at least it will kind of keep me entertained.

I start to get really tired now, after all that running. I quickly checked on my stomach, there was a bit of a bruise, great. I felt like I had marks all over, I felt hurt.

My eyes start to shut as I try to make myself comfortable in this chair because I certainly do not want to sleep with Tom after what had just happened.

I curl myself up into a ball and start to doze away. I fall asleep carefully.

I had no other ideas so I ended it here! Sorry if it seems short I am trying my hardest to keep up with ideas and notes for this story! But if you would like to give me some ideas that would be appreciated and I'll try from now on to make this story active because I feel like it isn't. Bye for now!

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