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It's the day of the flight, it is currently 2:43 a.m. and we're getting ready. I yawn and groan about how it's so early, normally I would sleep in, dreaming about random stuff but no, we're going to Tokyo. I shuffle my best friend Maria up. We both live in an adequate little apartment, but when we get to Tokyo, we are going to get a new fresh apartment for us to stay in. Who knows how long we'll stay there.

Maria groans too, "Come on, it's nearly 3 am and we have to get to the airport swiftly, come on, move your butt." I say, dragging her softly from the snuggly bed, everyone would probably stay in it forever.

I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, I fix my jet-black hair and put it into a quick short bun. I throw some grey low-waisted joggers and an oversized shirt on and quickly put some makeup on. I see Maria is all ready, she has her caramel hair in a messy ponytail, some midnight joggers on and a tank top. I see her struggling to pick up all her filled suitcases and bags with all sorts,

"Need any help there?" I chuckle, "Umm maybe..." she laughs, I help her and pick up some bags, "Why did you bring so much shit?" I say, watching her carry suitcases out the door, "Because you know what I'm like!" She shouts, I bring my suitcase and head out the door.

There is a taxi that has waited outside for us, I kinda feel bad for all of the stuff he has to carry, anyways, he plops it into the trunk and we get inside his mobile,

"Where we going ladies?" The driver says, in a bit of an accent. "The airport please!" Maria says excitedly.

"Are you that excited? It's just a flight to Tokyo, it's exactly the same as the trip we went on to Malibu." I explain.

"YES! This is TOKYO Cam, aren't you excited? It has car racing, lots of new foods to try, and also languages! And I heard there were reeallyyy hot guys girlll!" Maria blabbered.

I love cars, I know much about them, my dad is quite rich and is known for car racing too, but he's all the way in New York, we're in Germany right now. We arrive at the airport, we grab our luggage and stumble our way inside, It's 3;30 a.m. and our flight is at 3:40, just in time, I didn't really notice the time, but I'm glad we made it.


We get onto the plane and get into our assigned seats, I struggle a little bit putting my luggage in the compartment,

"Would you like some help?" This guy says, I turn around and see this dark brown-haired, ocean blue eyes that I could not stop staring into, it feels like I was trapped in them.

I blush, "I would love that" I giggle, he helps me and I say thank you.

"I didn't catch your name by the way?" He says softly, this guy was cute.

"Camila, but people call me Cam, and your name is?" I spluttered, this guy was making me nervous. "Dylan, well it was nice meeting you, Cam," He smiles,

"Nice knowing you too, bye." He walks off and glances at me once more. I sit myself down and put on my headphones.

"CAM, CAM CAM CAM, HELLO? CAMILA!" Maria screamed, "WHAT MARIA!" I answer. I'm guessing I fell asleep?

"WERE HERE! COME ON LET'S GET OFF, OUR VEHICLE AWAITS FOR US!" Maria squeals and just grabs my bags for me and power walks off the plane, I leading behind her tiredly.

We get out of the airport and I gaze around the streets, the lights are golden, the breeze hitting my face, millions of people walking past me, hearing the race cars screeching, I kinda liked it, it felt like a dream. We get in our taxi and drive to our apartment, I'm quite picky with stuff such as houses and things not looking right, I breathe as I look outside the window, really did feel like a fantasy.

About 30 minutes later, we arrived, we busted out the car and zoomed inside, we both looked around, touching everything, I smiled at her while she smiles at me, the house was quite big, it had 2 bathrooms next to each other but a door leading to both in the middle of them, 2 king sized beds in 1 room, a really fancy kitchen, which I loved, I loved cooking. Maria and I dropped our bags onto the floor in the bedroom, and I immediately threw myself onto the bed, it bounced and was soft.

"I could sleep in this bed all dayyy" I groan. "I knew you'd like it, anyways there's car racing at 9 pm today, I know how much you love cars so we're going!" Maria says, jumping up and down, she really did love this.

It's 8 pm and we start getting ready to go watch all the car racing, I slip on a boob tube and this tight not to short skirt with drawstrings hanging down the side, I struggle to put on my thigh-high boots that I bought before this trip, but I managed. I was feeling quite confident, I put my midnight black hair down, with a little braid in the front of the right side of my hair, I saw Maria and she has a silver metallic spaghetti stop and a denim mini skirt and platforms.

"Girl you look hot as fuck!!" Maria cheered, she looked good too, Maria was actually really pretty, her outfits matched her appearance all the time. It's now 8:45 and we head out, we walk up a hill which took up to about 17 minutes, it's cause we were so worn out, we haven't had any proper sleep yet, except for my one nap.

We made it and we see thousands of people, millions even. A couple minutes later, I hear 4 cars roaring and pulled up to a stop. I look at all of them one by one and everyone's cheering and screaming, making my eardrums burst. They all get out, one of them had all black on, some long but short flowy brown hair, the other one had vanilla blonde hair, he looked a bit strong, the third one got out and he had black hair just like me and wore spiky belts and long black boots, that clicker clackered when he walked,

"That one is a real cutie, he looks so fierce and that's how I like them, he could take me anywhere!" Mari shrieked, it was quite loud until the guy turned around and winked at Maria, "DID YOU SEE THAT CAM, DID YOU FUCKING SEE THAT, UGH I FEEL FAINT!" She howls, and I laugh, "Yes I did Maria calm down" I laugh some more, she chuckles with me, there was a fourth one.

He had long black cornrows black baggy pants and a baggy top, I was quite drawn to him, he looked like a real man, he had a scary look on his face, but he was quite hot if you ask me, but something tells me he's a player. But I couldn't stop looking.

"I see you've been eyeing someone for a bit now. Was it that guy over there?!" Maria noticed, she pointed to the cornrow man. I look down at my hands embarrassed and say maybe with a shy giggle at the end.

"Oo so you do, isn't he a hottie Cam," Maria teases, and tickles me, "STOPPP" I giggle, she chuckles with me. I feel safe with Maria, she makes me smile and she tells me everything interesting, I am quite intrigued by what she says, she is a real one to me.

We see a girl get out of their cars and go next to them, grabbing their arms. They all had slutty stuff on, I rolled my eyes. I see them order the girls to go somewhere, but I don't watch where they go, all I am focused on is the conrow boy. A rough 5 minutes pass by as I see them walk over to their car and hop inside, their little girls getting in with them, the guy with short black hair, the one who Maria liked, revved his car and everyone cheered, we were at the front row so it was quite loud than at the back, the guy with cornrows revved his car about 4 times, then I saw him look at the guy in the car next to him with a smirk on his face. There was a man with a flag that waved it around, he shouted "ON YOUR MARKS... GET SET... GO! They all screech their cars, zooming across the roads, hearing them from afar. Couple minutes later, I saw a car come up first place, then the others joined next to him, it was the conrows boy, he got out of his car and everyone cheered, screamed, roared, as he got first place. The others got out of their cars and the short black haired on rolled his eyes at him, while the hot one grinned and stuck his tongue out at him. ~ The crowd starts getting quieter as everyone goes home.

"I think we should start heading home now mari, its getting late and everyone's going," I stated, "Noo! Can we go meet them first?" She squeals, "Fine, then we're going home," She runs over to them and completely ignores me, I jog a little behind her, and we meet them, face to face.


Sorry I have posted in like ages I completely forgot about this! I'll post the rest now ^^

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