Let me go!

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I gripped the edge of my seat hard until my knuckles turned pale, I tried my best not to fly completely off the seat. Tom slaps his hand on my thigh but I quickly move it away. He gives me a heavy look. Tom's face looks serious at the road, Bill just a few moments behind, nearly tied. Everything is moving so fast, the adrenaline is filling up me fast as Tom hits the gas pedal to speed up even more.

We're nearly back at the start since it went in a loop, just a couple of seconds away and...Tom came first. The crowd shrieked and screamed like crazy.

"Fun?" Tom asks, looking deeply into my eyes and controlling his gaze to my lips.

"Not really," I lied, it was quite amazing I can't lie. Tom chuckled as he knew I was lying.

We both get out of the car, and I keep a bitchy look on my face to everybody, I feel destroyed but the car race made me feel the slightest better. Bill looks mad, I think he's quite annoyed that Tom wins every single time. Bill walks over madly to Tom and gets all in his face. I stand back watching them argue as Tom looks amused. Maria pulls Bill away and comforts him with her warm hypnotizing smile. Bill calms down and kisses her passionately. I look away in a bit of disgust.

I look around and catch a figure standing looking right at me, I pull a confused face. I look away for a bit then look back, and they're gone. I ignore it and stand talking to Maria.
"Hey uh, where's Emi?" I ask, I need to see her.

"I think she went over there, I'm not sure," Bill points in a direction behind me, I nod my head and walk over there, I just needed to talk with her about these clothes and ask if I could keep them because I had loved them.

I walked away and got a little lost, it was dark so I couldn't really see anything. I sigh as I try to make my way back to the others. I feel tired and worn out, my shoes scraped along the concrete because I felt like I couldn't move any longer. After a couple of moments, I started to worry, I couldn't see anybody and I felt like I'd just gotten lost, but there was one odd feeling, I felt like somebody was watching me or something. I shiver in thought and keep walking at a certain pace.

I turn this corner and there was a van parked in between 2 cars, I thought nothing of it until I realised I wasn't in the right area, oh shit. I don't even have a phone on me or anything. I walk past swiftly until suddenly the van door opens and a pair of unfamiliar hands grabs me. I scream and shout for help and start hitting them hard. I heard something drop of mine, not sure what it was but if the others were to try and find me. I was praying they'd find whatever it was.

"Let me go!" I shout, louder than ever. He ignored and nothing happened. 2 men were standing outside and helped whoever grabbed me push me forcefully into the van.

I hit my head on the wall of the creepy van hard, I rubbed my head until the random man that I couldn't see since the darkness was covering his face so he looked anonymous. He came to me and had something in his hands. I pushed him away but he was too strong. He punches me hard in the face.

I grabbed my face and forced my mouth open, he had this small item in his hands, it looked like a pill or something. I tried and close my mouth as he threw it in my mouth and I choked on it a little then eventually accidentally swallowed it, I was done for.

The mysterious man throws my face away and slams the van door shut. I start feeling heavy and my eyes shut down. My head felt like it was spinning and I couldn't see anything, it was all just a blur. My lip was bleeding and I could feel the warm red substance swimming in my mouth. I felt dead. I don't know what is going to happen to me but I know it's not going to be good.

Marias pov

I chat and laugh with the gang for a while, feeling joy in myself.

"Heyy guys," Emi suddenly comes along with Gustav, wait.

"Hey, weren't you over there?" I ask confuffled, and hint my head in the direction Bill assumed she was.

"No? I was talking to other people with Gustav, why?"

I look at Bill scared, "Where is Camila then? She's been gone for a while too." I say, alarmed. Tom gives me a worried angry look as we all look in the direction Camila went. Where was my best friend?
Sorry, I haven't posted in a while, just been busy! I wasn't too sure what to put next and I didn't want to make the story long.

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