Curious Pills

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Bill interrupts the eye contact.

"We were so worried for you Camila," I give Tom one last glare before slowly moving my eyes to Bill's features. I hugged him and smiled at the others then, we headed out. I took a look back at Haruto's covered body and thought about how much he deserved that.

We walk back to the cars, I am still shaking, this was probably the first scary, traumatic experience I've ever had.

Once again, I have to get into Tom's car. Tom walks over to his elegant car and he opens the door for me, I give him a confused but nice look and I hope inside. He walks over to the other side of the car and hops in. He starts driving and gives me multiple glances to the side and in the rearview mirror.

"Are you okay?" Tom questions, I keep my eyes forward and give him the "mhm" treatment. He didn't deserve a full yes.

"You not gonna say thank you for saving your life and sticking up for you?" Tom carries on, I pause for a moment.

"Yeah, thanks," I answer back, in a not-motivated tone. I hear Tom sigh as he slams his foot on the pedal and speeds off.

We headed back to the house and went inside, it was getting so late and I was tired, my whole body was broken and covered in scars and bruises. My nose still stung and my head still throbbing. I rub my temple, tired, and exhausted.

"Come on, let's clean you up and then you need to get some rest," Astrid says, Maria follows on, we walk into Astrid's room and close the door, she looks like she has many supplies. I sat down at her desk.

"You alright? You're still shaking a little bit," Astrid asks, as she grabs some wipes and some other bits and bobs.

"Yeah, I guess," To be honest, I was not okay. Everything in my life was going downhill.

Astrid gives me a sorrowful look as well as Maria, as she strokes the hair out of my face. Astrid cleans up my face and puts some lotion on my face, so at least I look glowy.

We all have a deep conversation before we head to bed.
Everyone goes to sleep except me, just lying in Tom's bed as he's in the living room, I wonder what he's doing. I'm going to check it out, I need a drink anyway.

I sit up and walk out and down the stairs. I see Tom just smoking in the living room watching TV. I walk into the kitchen and now he acknowledges me. He takes another hit of his cigarette.

"What are you doing down here?" Tom asks whilst I grab a cup.

"Getting a drink," I say bluntly. I hear a couple of footsteps behind me, as they grow closer and closer. I turn around and see Tom standing in front of me, leaning against the kitchen counter.

I give him a weird look and fill my glass with water from the sink, I turn around and take a sip.

"We have a busy day tomorrow night, we're going to a club. Which means no fucking around." Tom demands, chucking his cig and popping it into this little flat bowl behind him.

"Whatever," I say with an attitude.

"Don't give me an attitude, I mean it,"

"Or what," I snarl back, downing my glass and walking away, looking at him whilst he smirks strangely at me as I walk away.

I go back up to the room and lay in Tom's bed, no duvet or anything, just myself looking up to the ceiling, I wasn't tired at all. I couldn't sleep.

Suddenly, I hear the door creak open, I immediately look at the black door and see a masculine figure standing there, guessing that's Tom. I look back up to the ceiling.

"Why are you still awake?" A recognised voice says.

"Can't sleep," I state.

"Stand up for a second," Tom says, I don't say anything back until a pair of hands grab my arms gently and drag me up to my feet.

Toms there standing in front of me, admiring my face and my body. He plays with his lip piercing but it wasn't in a flirty way. He meets my eyes and I sigh and look to the side of me. I don't want to look him in the eyes.  He's ruined my life.

"Glad your bloody face is all cleaned up," Tom comments, whilst using his hands to push my hair back out of my face.

"Mhm," I answer back.

"You can't just act all blunt with me, Camila,"

"Too bad, I'm going to," I say. He fixes his outfit a little bit.

"Okay then," Tom sighs, he takes off his shirt I look at his figure for a little bit, and he then jumps in bed. Tom then falls asleep. He looks so calm sleeping. I lick my lips because they were dry and walk out of the room quietly and head to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I hate myself.

I see a little cupboard underneath the sink, I open it out of curiosity and see some pills and spare bottles of shampoo and conditioner, I pick up the pills. I read the labels and try not to make a noise. I open the small bottle of pills and take a proper look inside. I hear a faint noise and hesitate and hide them with me. I go back into the room and see Tom sound asleep. I'm not sure where to put the pills, I open the closet and see my jacket hung up, I end up putting the bottle in there and calmly shut the closet. I sigh in relief and head to bed.
Sorry for not posting in a while! Been reaaalllyyy busy recently, but hopefully, I'll be back posting now! Just a little disclaimer the next chapter and possibly the next will be a little traumatic but just letting you know! Thank you also for over 3k reads! Lots of love ❤️.

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