It's not safe here.

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"Hey! You guys did quite well back there," Maria winks, the man who had the loud boots and short black hair turns around. I didn't realise until now it was a little more poofy up close. He looks Maria up and down and smirks, I stand a bit behind Maria.

"Thanks, gorgeous, why don't I know you?" The stranger asks, kissing the top of Maria's hand, cute I thought.

"Just moved here earlier, maybe you could take me around?" Maria flirts, I have never seen her this interested before. I sigh and stay quiet. The man chuckles shyly. The guy looks at me for a split second, surprised he even noticed me now.

"Of course, what's your name princess? Mines Bill Kaulitz." He greets and uses his veiny hands to push back Maria's long hair that's in the way. I can feel Maria getting nervous.

"Maria, Maria Rivera," Maria answers. "Maria, what a beautiful name." Bill grins whilst licking his lips.

"What about your friend?" Maria stands out of the way so Bill can see me, I look up at him, he is quite tall.

"Oh um, Camila Ortiz," I reply, Bill's face is in a little shock. Huh?

"Wait...your Javier's daughter?" Bill said, In a slow pace.

I laugh nervously, "Yeah, how do you know?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Oh darling, your father raced with us once! He won but we're good mates." Bill exclaims, who was 'us?'. I raised my eyebrows in fascination but it was sarcasm. I looked around behind me to see if anyone was still here.

"Bill, what are you doing?" A German accent says. I immediately turn around and see that cornrow guy standing next to Bill. They were nearly the same height, and his eyes were brown just like Bills, they emerged in my blue. He looked me up and down, playing with his piercing...

"Just meeting 2 lovely ladies, oh and this is Javier's daughter, Camila." Bill smiles.

"That's nice, I'm Tom Kaulitz and you princess are rather ravishing." Tom winks. I smiled nervously but uncomfortably, yes he was hot, but I got a sick feeling from him.

"Thanks..." I reply, Tom looks down to my breast area, okay... yeah definitely a weird vibe.

"Why so anxious? Am I making you nervous?" Tom asks in a whisper, he grabs my waist and pulls me close to him. I slap him off me and slip my way out of his arms.

"Do not touch me," I growl, Tom's face grew angry. "I can see where you get your fire from, your father." He chuckled evilly. He can not talk about my father! My father isn't even angry..?

"Excuse me? Just back off." I cross my arms and look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Sure are a feisty one aren't you?" Tom smirks, I just want to go home now. I look at Maria and she's looking a little worried as well, but all eyes are on Bill.

I ignored him and scoffed, I really thought he was a hot nice man, but in reality, he was just a hot jerky man.

" feeling for some speed?" Bill asks.

"Yeah no we're goi-" Maria smacks her hand on my mouth, I give her a deathly look.

"Sure," Maria says flirty, Bill takes Maria by the waist and leads her to his car.

"You want some speed to cheer up?" Tom asks, facing me.

"No, never will." I reply bluntly. I hear Bill revvs his vehicle and then he zooms off, Maria looks really excited.

"Too bad, girls always love my speed. Come on just give it a try." Tom whines. "I said no, didn't you hear?" I snarl. Toms face is getting madder now. He shouldn't of touched me and he shouldn't of talked about my father like that.

"Why are you such a bitch?" Tom scowls in my face.

"Why are you such a jerk? Don't ever call me a bitch." I shout in his face. His eyes were Auburn fire at this rate.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks, seriously. I roll my eyes. "A creep, Tom Kaulitz the creep." I said, fixing my hair a little waiting for Maria to come back.

"Listen here, I am Tom Kaulitz, the biggest mafia gang leader in Tokyo, I could kill anyone right this moment, and your the only one here. So shut the fuck up." He growls in my face. is my dad friends with him? I mumble to myself.

I eventually see Bills car arrive up the hill, I see Maria in the front looking like she's just had the time of her life. She gets out with Bill and heads over. I jog over to her.

"Can we go home, it's not safe here." I swiftly said, holding Marias arms. "I know, Bill told me about it..." She says, looking at me full of guilt.

"Well, can we?" I ask, she looks at Bill and he nods his head softly.

"Yeah, I think we can." Maria said, moving her head down. She quickly gets Bills number and kisses him on the cheek. He whispers something into Marias ear, she chuckles and agrees, we now walk away and past Tom. I give Tom a death stare as we walk by, back home.

I didn't even realise Tom and Bill we're in a mafia gang, I feel like this was a bad idea. I need to talk with my father, I think there's something he hasn't told me...

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