The least you deserve

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Venus, a beautiful female, a god who any human would kill for. Her beauty was far less as great as her power though, which was what the humans wanted. Not a surprise, humans were greedy. Just as greedy as Venus was herself, so it wasn't no surprise that she married a human. A human who agreed to serve her to her greedy desires. Aphrodite highly doubted being stabbed was one of them.

Simon had walked into the room him and Venus shared, unaware Aphrodite was nearby. Venus turned to him and smiled, having put on another pair of heavy gem earrings.

"Oh? What is it Simon?" She asked, her voice full of love she'd never given her children

He didn't respond, stabbing her. He wasn't the brightest of humans, waiting this long if he wanted the power he claimed to want. Aphrodite sighed, it wasn't a surprise. Simon and Venus were as greedy as the other, and Venus's greed only grew the more Simon fed it.

A eye for an eye like they said...Aphrodite grabbed a sword and stabbed the man who sadly was her father before tossing him aside. Venus had lost quite a lot of blood, staring up at Aphrodite like she hadn't abused her since Cyrus's disappearance. How ironic, she couldn't take the pain she gave.

"Aphrodite..." She begged

Aphrodite stared at her blankly, but sighed and sat down next to her dying mother. Venus smiled but Aphrodite quickly signaled for her wipe that smile away.

"Don't. I'm not here because I love you, I'm here by your side because not even you deserves to die alone" Aphrodite coldly replied but held her mother's hand

Venus sighed, letting Aphrodite sit by her side, or her lame excuse of a "deathbed". Aphrodite just waited until Venus passed, and let go of her mother's hand.

"I hope you enjoy hell mother"

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