Chapter 31

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"I knew exactly what I agreed to the moment I stepped through that portal, Im no fool. But I didn't think it was the same for the one against us."

Ethan almost lost his balance but before he could, Bella caught him. Quinn didn't notice or didn't care, as he didn't look over. The rest of us followed. It was a populated and moderate town, full of people.

"Great. Its surrounded with people." Cyrus mumbled

"I think something happened when Cyrus was here before" Tremya whispered to Quinn, who just nodded.

A pedestrian walked by, "Love the cosplay!"

Quinn didn't pay attention to the pedestrian who was none the wiser that they just called a man from the future a cosplayer.

Tremya blinked, "Good thing humans are not the brightest"

"Yep." Star agreed

"Wait... aren't you a popstar here, Star?" Jacob asked

"Fucking dammit I am!" Star facepalmed as she remembered

Blood blinked as she soon remembered too, "Fuck that means they'd notice me too."

Someone took out their phone and took a picture of Star, most likely being one of her fans.

"I think they know you two are here now..." Ethan mentioned

Star sighed rubbing her forehead to get rid of a headache, "I forgot how annoying fans were."

"Except me" Blood added

I blinked confused, and asked my mom what Blood meant, but she just gave me a fake answer and said I'd know more when Im older.

"Crap- This'll drive too much attention to us!" Ethan exclaimed, panicking a bit

"I'll get rid of them and get them out of the way." Star said, "Come on blood."

Blood followed Star, who lead her annoying fans away with Blood's help. The fans were easily lured away, minus the one pedestrian that snuck in a photo of Star earlier. A portal opened, unbeknownst to the dumb pedestrian.

Tremya looked at the portal and commented, "Oh look their arriving"

Observer stepped out of the portal, and the pedestrian notices him

"Nice Spot cospla-" They commented before Observer choked them to death.

He threw the dead pedestrian as Aiofe, Lez, Zeno, and Valeria stepped out of the portal. Good thing I prepared pollen in my pocket.

Tremya laughed and laid on her cloud as she smiled at Observer, "Darling whats got you so violent today?"

Cyrus seemed less than happy to see Valeria again. Good thing I remembered the marshmallows Mom said he'd need. Observer grabbed something from Valeria, which turned out to be high tech claws that matched his color scheme.

"Since star isnt here to insult you, I will, oh aphrodite your annoying." Bella grumbled

Tremya however, looked rather excited as she looked at the weapons. She liked fighting him??? Everyone who mentioned him was either neutral about him or hated him because he was annoying. When did love come into this situation?

"Ooo! Nice new weapons darling!" She complimented, her eyes shining with excitement

He didn't answer, taking out the time amulet. Breaking it in half before adding it to his claws, making a claw-glove hybrid of a weapon. The claws glowed and inverted colors, which I honestly found unnecessary.

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