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Cyrus never liked confessing things, most opinions he ever shared weren't even his true opinions.

So why did he think it would go well? Why did he ever think they'd accept him?

"I... have a confession..." Cyrus spoke, his hands shaking as he tried to keep them from fidgeting with his pen

"Oh? And what would that be Cyrus?" His mother, Venus, asked with a look of interest

"I... Im into men..." He confessed

If the silence didn't kill him, what came next would. Maybe not kill him, but the slap certainly hurt.

"You disgrace." Venus hissed, "You will not be a disgrace who decides he wants to go to hell because he is too stupid to find a good wife! Tell me Cyrus, man and man cannot make a child, can they?"

Cyrus stood there, frozen for a moment as he held his cheek.

"N-No... they can't..." Cyrus replied, starting to cry already

"Exactly. And if you can't make a child, theres no heir to continue the line!" Venus snapped

"But there is-" Cyrus tried to say

But Venus interrupted, "Theres surrogates and adoption, I know. We don't need to get a mortal involved in the gods business unless it is through marriage! I will not have a grandchild that is from another god's family Cyrus!"

"Now get out of your mother's sight. Thanks to you, I have even more work now!" His father yelled

Cyrus flinched, he never liked sudden loud noises. Or sudden noises to begin with.

"Now!" His father yelled again

Cyrus jolted again and ran out of the room, and now here he was... sitting in his room as the scene replayed in his mind over and over again.

Of course he was foolish to believe they'd settle for anything than a child of his that was carried by his future wife.

The thought of that made Cyrus feel miserable and sick, like he was already stuck in that reality. A reality of misery and lies, constantly having to hide his true emotions.

He wasn't going to tell anyone. Not anyone.

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