From the sidelines

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"Don't worry Znaniye, I'm just fine!" Tremya said while smiling confidently, though I knew that smile wasn't one to trust as real.

Znaniye walked the halls, the same ones Tremya had walked again and again before she made her own space and then never entered the house. Znaniye couldn't exactly blame her, the yelling of their parents and their father's fits of deeming things imperfect on a whim certainly made the beautiful house a wreck.

She was always glad when her sister visited every now and then, coming to talk to her. Tremya was always so chaotic and carefree, something Znaniye knew she could never be herself. She didn't want her father to deem her imperfect and make a new heir all over again, it would take too long to raise. Not like he would care if he ever deemed her imperfect...

She stopped where she heard her father yelling at the servants, on another fit of deeming things imperfect. She sighed, this wasn't anything knew. Tremya said he had started doing it more since she rebelled against him. Znaniye trusted her words, she had no other way to know how much her father deemed things imperfect on a whim before her birth.

Heavens, she wished Tremya was here....

"Tremya where are you going!?" Znaniye asked, grabbing Tremya's wrist

Tremya had suddenly opened a portal while seeming panicked, making sure the portal worked before summoning another portal to heavens knows where.

"Someone has the time amulet! Their messing up time and its messing with my powers!" Tremya explained panicked

She hugged her sister, stroking Tremya's hair. She knew that had always calmed Tremya, and she smiled as she saw it still worked. Tremya was still on edge reasonably, she wasn't in her preferred form and her powers were messed up. Which made Tremya fully aware of the present, something Tremya had grown to hate.

Her mind was usually in multiple places at once, her powers making all the details of time messed up. So sometimes she'd forget things, which everyone had just gotten used to. Especially Znaniye, who had a power that made her know all of the knowledge there was to know. She had gotten good at keeping track of things for Tremya.

"Your going to stop them aren't you?" Znaniye asked

"Yes, I have to." Tremya answered

Znaniye let Tremya go from the hug and smiled, "Just make sure to come back like last time ok?"

Tremya smiled, "Ok"

Just like when influence, loneliness filled Znaniye's heart. There was no visits from Tremya, and there wouldn't be for heavens knows how long. When influence happened, she didn't even get a warning. She knew Tremya hadn't planned to join Aphrodite, so Znaniye didn't blame her sister for not telling her. 

Znaniye laughed at the memory of how she found out. She had been reading, and then heard someone talking about the god of knowledge. She opened a portal to who it was, and it seemed to be a black mass of flesh like goop. Znaniye later learned that was influence, who Tremya said did have a humanoid form but "she got crushed by her own stupidity". Tremya found it funny too, laughing when influence was rather confused.

Znaniye was glad to know Tremya was ok. That she got the chance to know where Tremya was. She had thought something bad happened to Tremya, but now her fears were put to rest by seeing Tremya being herself. Laughing and not taking the situation seriously like always. She wished she could be there, by Tremya's side... but she smiled as she knew Tremya was just fine out there in the face of disaster.

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