Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The traffic became gridlocked after a lorry shed its load of pallets across both lanes. Not in the best of moods, Joyce sat at her desk an hour later than she wanted, staring at the increasing pile of files languishing in her tray. With Inspector Rogers recovering from his operation, she now understood how much she delegated to others. When her telephone rang, she moved half a dozen files to locate it.

"DCI Parsons speaking."

"Morning Joyce. The boss wants a word. Any chance you can come straight away?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"If you want, I could say I couldn't find you."

"Thank, but he has eyes in the back of his head. I'll be on my way in a couple of minutes."

"Okay, Joyce."

On entering Julian's office, Samantha, his secretary, nodded and waved her on. She knocked and entered.

"You want to see me, guv?"

He grinned. "I make it a regular occurrence. I need to know how things are with my Chief inspectors. You lead the investigation, perhaps not directly but as a guiding hand. Take a seat, Joyce. How are things."

She smoothed her skirt as she made herself comfortable. "I'll be honest: I need help. You never appreciate how much others do until they're not there. I want another Inspector Rogers."

"I wondered when you'd ask for help. It's not a sin, you know."

"The traffic was awful this morning, and I arrived late. I knew I had to ask when I saw my in-tray. Personnel informed me, and it was confirmed that he may be out of action for up to a year when I talked to his wife."

"Not a problem. I have two sergeants who have passed the exam for inspector." He handed her two folders.

She scanned the contents of both. "You're missing Sergeant Bell. My husband tells me she is first class."

Julian grimaced. "Bell has issues that she needs to sort out. I wouldn't recommend her."

"Sir, the issue in question will soon be resolved. She is taking her rapist Inspector Talbot to civil court. There's enough evidence to hang him. On completion, I know she will request a few police issues to be investigated. How do I know? I told her to do so."

"The incident was investigated fully."

She raised her eyebrows at him. "No, it wasn't. You and I both know how it unfolds. She is a woman and was gagging for it. The poor inspector couldn't help himself. Internal affairs have investigated him and his activities. I can assure you whether you recommend her or not. She will be promoted. I'm not prepared to reveal more than what I've said."

"You kept that quiet."

"Chain of command is one thing, sir. And as it's not a police matter. That's why I never told you."

He smiled. "Okay, Chief Inspector. If Talbot is found guilty, I'll promote her, but not until then. Make a decision. Do you still want her to work for you?"

"I do, but I'll ask her first.

"I'd do it sooner rather than later, or the work on your desk will only grow higher."

"Why didn't I think of that? Thanks, guv."

He laughed. "Always here to help. By the way, When is Roger's attacker appearing in court?"

"Not sure. The last I heard, his brief is claiming it was an accident. You know how long lawyers debate such issues."

Julian churched his fingers. Tell me about it. We give them the evidence for a conviction, and they argue over a comma in the wrong place. What do you believe."

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