Chapter Twentyone

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The gale battered Joyce as she attempted to run across the police station car park. The street lights were already off as the dawn crept across the sky.

The reception sergeant looked up as she entered the briefing room. "Crazy weather, guv. But great for making an arrest."

She didn't stop. "If you say so, Sergeant."

Inspector Roger Brown and his team sipped their coffee and waited for her to say something.

Removing her raincoat, she noted Roger was looking cheerless. "Not that you need to know, but I chose this crappy morning for this job. Those of you who are awake will also know this wasn't the predicted forecast. Peter Mitchell is a hard bastard. I want him arrested and in the cell. One of our friends has confirmed he's shacked up with one of his many girlfriends. I'm going along for the ride. Roger will brief you on the action.

"Morning, guv. The crap weather works in our favour. The rain helps kill the noise." The slide projector operated, and a detailed street map appeared on the wall screen.

Roger pointed with the chrome car aerial he used as a pointer. "We will park our vehicles here. There will be no flashing lights or sirens. Sargent, you will operate the big key. Turner and Fields, you're rear guard in the back alley. Stubbing's and Adams are with me as we enter. Archie, please stay in the van until we call for you. Remember, Pete Mitchell is a big guy. Any questions?

He gazed at his team. "Okay, let's do it."

Joyce drove Roger in her car while the others followed in police vehicles. The lock-up van was the last to leave the car park.

The rain continued, the darkening sky promising more to fall. The small convoy stopped two streets away from Pete Mitchell's home. Silence was their watchword, but curtains moved and closed at the sight of the police cars.

The vehicles emptied of police officers with the car doors closed quietly.

Roger gave the orders and watched his team move to their delegated positions. He turned to Joyce. "Are you ready, guv?"

She grimaced as the rain ran across her face. "As ready as I'll ever be."

With the sergeant holding the big key, he led the charge along the street where the Mitchell house stood. Rogers chose not to mess about. He ran to the black-painted door and pounded hard against its panels. He repeated his action. No answer. He stepped back and nodded to the sergeant, who moved into position. One swing of the big key and the wood around the lock shattered. One more thump and the bolt on the bottom burst open.

Joyce stood back as Rogers, followed by his team, stormed into the semi-darkness of the hallway. Four offices raced straight up the stairs. Still holding the big key, the sergeant and Roger checked the ground floor. From the rear of the property, a door slammed shut.

"Mitchells on the move. Follow me. "Roared Rogers.

A woman screamed and swore as they entered her bedroom.

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