Chapter Twenty

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Rupert shook his head as he stared at the five bulky files on his desk. Five missing women. Everyone was on their way to see the vicar, who was not there. Who had set the trap, and what happened between their homes and the vicarage? He was familiar with the scenario. From his history, he remembered only a few women went missing due to foul play. Most men and women have had enough of their lot and decide to leave and start again elsewhere. This also includes those who leave family and friends to create a new life elsewhere. He read and digested every report in detail. In every instance, the force had searched the areas concerned. Crime watch gave air time and displayed up-to-date photographs.

He sighed, with not the slightest lead. They became a file on the desk that sang lower in the heap with every passing day. One constant remained with these five women: the local vicar. The priority was discovering the connection between these missing women and the vicar. But how to go about it was bothering him. According to the files, Ian Spence, the vicar, came to the area some time ago and was liked by everyone.

He opened his office door and beckoned to Maggie, who smiled, stopped what she was doing and strolled towards him. "Yes, boss."

"I need your help. When I was a proper copper, I'd sit with the team, and we would throw all our ideas into the pot. You know what I was searching for? Well, I have five more missing women, which gives us seven. Each case is the same. Grab a seat, and let's talk."

"My throat is parched like the Sahara. Any chance of a posh coffee, boss??

He laughed. I wouldn't say it's posh. The coffees from Tesco's."

"You haven't had a cup from the canteen lately. It tastes awful, and the dregs are like mud from the river."

"Maggie, you interviewed Mr Dickson. He did not have a clue why his wife diapered." He pointed at the table. "Reading those reports brings me to the same conclusion. It's as if no one cared. It would make more sense if someone had written an alien craft landed and abducted them."

She sipped her coffee and took her time before answering. "Maybe they were not significant enough, but that's not fair. I'm sure the force did the necessary, but with nobody and no evidence, you have to stop looking. I'm sure there were enough crimes, such as burglaries, to be investigated. And I bet most didn't end up with a conviction."

"I agree, but we will review everything again before we close the cases. You and Julie will be busy checking these out. Linda and Wendy will have to manage."

Maggie grinned. "Those two won't mind. They are good at sorting files much better than me."

"You are still their boss."

"Correct, but a boss with little to do regarding the basic filing."

"That's why you will progress in the force, and they will remain office clerks. Every peg has to find the right hole to be happy. Not sure who said that, but it's true. The most valuable lesson a senior sergeant told me, and I never forgot. Never believe what everyone else says is valid until you know it is. We're missing something, Maggie. The best we can do is find it."

"There are too many coincidences, sir. These woman left their homes to meet the vicar, or so they believed. Whoever contacted them they trusted. Crimes are committed by people who make mistakes. We need to find the mistake."

"April Thompson is the next in line."

"If you don't mind, I'll contact the husbands tomorrow, make the necessary arrangement and get on with it. I'll take Julie with me. She's rather observant and might notice something I miss.

"I agree, and it's time to call it a day.

Outside the office, Maggie stopped Julie. "We will be interviewing tomorrow. Wear your uniform."

The Opal Pendant  (A  Little Crazy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora