Chapter Eight

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Chief Inspector Joyce Parsons and Sergeant Jacobs sat in the interview room.

She nodded to the young uniformed officer. "We've kept them twiddling their thumbs long enough. Go get Christabel Anderson and her solicitor."

"Yes, mam."

Five minutes elapsed before the door opened again.

A red-haired woman in her early twenties sauntered in. She wore a tight-fitting red dress, revealing more of her bust than it should have.

Joyce nodded, well aware the dress was expensive.

"What the fuck's going on? Couldn't even have a fag. I come here to help you lot, and you keep me waiting for half an hour."

Wearing a tailored dark suit, Jeromy Charters, with a gentle shove, guided the woman to a chair. "Good morning, and congratulations on your promotion, Chief Inspector. Miss Anderson, I'm sure there is a good reason why we had to wait. I suggest you calm yourself and have a cigarette."

"Thank you for sparing us your time, Miss Anderson. If you must smoke, please use the bin at the side of this table as an ashtray." She knew Charters. He represented those who paid well for his knowledge. She noted his hair was becoming greyer, and too much expensive food now presented as a bulge around his middle.

"I need to refresh my mind on what happened to Stuart Maynard.

You told one of my officers you were laughing and dancing to the music moments before he collapsed. You said you shouted at him to stop fucking about, but he remained still when you nudged him with your foot. Am I right or wrong?"

She glared at Joyce. "I don't fucking lie. I suppose it's what happened."

Joyce smiled. "Did you see anyone you knew near you?"

"I know most regulars by sight if not by name."

"What did you think when Stuart fell to the floor?"

"I thought he was pissed."

"Does he usually drink too much on a night out?"

"We all do. Getting rat-arsed is the name of the game."

"Forgive me, but the dress you're wearing is a gorgeous colour. Where did you buy it?"

Her eyes rolled. "I've no idea. One of the fellows I go out with gave it to me. I've loads."

"Was this guy in the club on the evening of the stabbing?"

"Can't say he was or wasn't. I was on the pull and playing this guy, making promises I'd never keep. I did tell him I never have sex on a first date, but as usual, he thought I was playing hard to get."

Joyce leant back in her chair. "So why do you think he was stabbed?"

"How the hell would I know? Maybe he owed money to the wrong people."

"The wrong people," said Jacobs. "Do you know them?"

"I know lots of people. I can't be expected to remember them."

Jacobs turned to Joyce. "Sorry, Guv. Had a dodgy ruby last night. I need to leave."

Christabel laughed.

Joyce nodded. "Sergeant Jacobs is leaving the room. I'm asking the constable to join the interview team until my sergeant returns."

Jacobs hurried out of the room.

The Opal Pendant  (A  Little Crazy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن