Chapter Seventeen

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Joyce shouted up the stairs. "Rupert, shift yourself. I can't hang about waiting for you. Cummings will go mental if I'm late for the range again."

"On my way." His footsteps pounded on the treads as he descended. "You go, love. I need to do something." He kissed her on the cheek, turned and climbed the stairs.

Not wanting to be late, Joyce gave herself plenty of time. She wore a dark blue tracksuit and dumped her holdall containing her work clothes in the boot.

Relaxed, she drove to the Army Training Centre and parked at the gated entrance to the range. The radio announcer started the eight o'clock news. A tap on the driver's widow made her jump.

She flashed her warrant card to the security officer as the window wound down. "I'm waiting for Sergeant Cummings, my weapons instructor."

The middle-aged man pointed. "Park your car over there and exit the vehicle."

"She's with me, Bert."

"Morning, Arthur. I was doing my morning rounds when she arrived. Can't be too careful these days. So many nutters around."

"I've my keys for the pistol range. I'll give whoever is on duty the nod when I leave. "

"Not a problem, Arthur. If I can't trust you, who can I?"

The guard lumbered towards the main building.

Arthur opened the security gate and motioned for her to drive through. He jumped into the passenger seat. "You know where to go."

Joyce turned her head towards him. "Not even a good morning. Or at least you are on time."

"I'm more concerned about Bert. He was in the paras until he buggered his back in a jump. Now he barely survives as a contract security guard."

"I'm sure he receives a good pension."

He does, but not as much as he deserves. His missus did a runner and skinned him for every penny she could. Without this crappy job, he'd be on the streets. The terries let him use one room and the facilities. He gets by. Anyway, we will see if you've remembered anything from last time."

Joyce parked her car close to the range entrance. "You don't have much faith in me. Do you."

He shrugged. "I trust no one until they prove me wrong. I'll then trust them with my life."

Once inside the building, she followed him to the firing point. From his case, he removed a pistol. He placed it barrel, pointing along the range. He took a box of bullets from a combination safe and put them next to the gun. He pointed. "Glock Gen 4. Good weapon and used all over the world. I'll instruct you on how to check and load. After, you will fire six rounds at a stationary target. If I'm happy, we will move to the next phase of your training. Moving targets. Any questions?"

Joyce lifted the weapon. "Light and kicks. Safety on barrel clear." The magazine dropped into her hand. "Empty."

"Arthur rubbed his chin. "Who have you been talking to?"

She grinned. "My partner. Last time you had the edge. I vowed it would not happen again. May I load?"

"Six rounds."

She loaded the magazine and placed it on the shelf.

"You may load. I want you to stand with your arms outstretched when you think you are ready. Tell me."

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