Chapter Ten

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Rupert was in the kitchen preparing dinner when Joyce arrived home. "What was your first day like, Chief Inspector?"

"I messed up." She heard him laugh.

"Don't tell me the phone rang, and you drove at speed to a crime scene."

On entering the kitchen, she asked. "Who told you?"

He turned and kissed her. "You could say it's the standard operating procedure for virgin DCIs. Done it and have the T-shirt. It shows enthusiasm for the job. You would have received a bigger bollocking if you hadn't gone. Who did what and when?"

"Carol Parmenter, one of my regulars on the Ridings Estate. Her partner and pimp knocked seven bells out of her if she didn't make enough money. She accidentally walked into his fist every Friday night but never pressed charges. Now, she never will. The bastard murdered her."

"How do you know it was him?"

"I don't, but I'll bet you a pound to a penny it was."

'"Can you prove it?"

"Didn't anyone tell you shit stinks, but I'll let you know after I find the creep. I'm going for a shower."

He chuckled. "You can shower when you've eaten my healthy Italian spaghetti carbonara and drunk a pinot grigio chilled to perfection."

She washed her hands at the sink. "I could get used to this."

He passed her a plate covered in freshly cooked food. "I thought I'd surprise you as it's your first day as a DCI."

He filled two wine glasses and handed one across. "To you and your promotion."

The glasses clinked.

"I'm looking forward to this." With her fork loaded, she sampled the meal. "Perfect."

With the meal over, Rupert filled their glasses. "Might as well finish the bottle. White wine never keeps well. Do you fancy an early night?

Joyce chuckled. "All you want to do is ravage my body."

"I will be in our bed when you shower."

She laughed. "I remember when I was sixteen and out on the pull. I could never understand some of my school pals who were happy with a quick knee-trembler behind the local Palais de dance or in the back of some crappy car. I never fancied outdoor sex. I much prefer silk sheets and a glass of wine after."

"Ancient history for both of us."

"Maybe, but you had a touch of style when we met."

"I was me and a virgin."

"You planned a weekend in a four-star hotel in Weymouth. It was rather obvious why but I knew I could always say no and leave or be a real arsehole and not turn up at the rail station."

"If I remember, we stayed in bed for over twenty-four hours."

"We didn't sleep much."

"We didn't want to. Well, I didn't. Go and have your shower."

Rupert washed in the kitchen. He lit three Lemon grass-scented tea candles in their bedroom and two Josh sticks, filling the air with cinnamon.

He removed a pill box from his bedside cabinet, removed one and placed it on his tongue.

When she entered the room, he lifted her off her feet and lowered her onto the mattress. He lowered his head and, with his tongue, kissed her nipples. As she softly moaned, he caressed her body with his lips and started his journey. He spent time kissing the inside of her thighs. When he found the spot, she bucked with a gentle moan. Her back arched as she wrapped her legs around him. With their bodies entwined, she relaxed and let his hands massage the inside of her thighs as his fingers pressed the buttons to short-circuit her mind.

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