Chapter 12: Umm I'm just an Average High School Guy

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My name is Shimizu Yoichi.

I'm just an average high school guy, and my life is pretty average.

I'm just a teenager who has quite an average life experience.

Usually, I don't have a lot of friends, but, now in Kiseki High, as a first year, my life is quite getting a turn. I really don't want to say it, but Aika-chan, my childhood friend has helped me go through my mundane days.

It gets lonely here when Hana onee-san is not around, but it's also a relief to not clean the entire living room that reeks of alcohol.

Tsk... She is really lazy everyday, I have to cook the food for myself in the morning and for her.

Despite her being a college student, I don't get how she is lazy right after high school. What is she doing that made her reach to that state?

She's been staying in that college friend's house in a while. I don't know where that is, but as long as she comes home safe... I'll be fine.

Nee-san would even wake up with bags in her eyes, pale skin, and her messy long hair falling down her face. I almost thought Sadako got out of her TV just to grab a coffee.

Oh well... At least I'm happy she's enjoying her one-week stay in that place.

Readying my bags, I am set for school.

After all, my life in this new high school is motivating me more.

I don't have any goals, though, but at least I'm happy to help anyone.

As I exit the door, I locked the door with a click from my key.

Tap... tap... tap...



My childhood friend...

She always like to walk together with me, and it does kind of get annoying sometimes to bump into me every time she sees me.


She's awfully quiet today.

As she walks together with me, she'd usually call me, or sometimes even surprise me from behind.

That's weird...

"W-what's wrong Aika-chan?"

"N-Nothing much..."

"I see, so why the long face?"

"It's really nothing. I swear,"

"Come on, you've been acting awfully weird lately,"

"It's... It's just... Exams are near, and I think we need a study group... well, f-for the exams..."

Huh? That's weird...! My cute childhood friend Aika wouldn't say such things like that back in Junior high. She would rather just play than to study...!

W-why is she all of a sudden acting like this?

"C-Can you invite I-Itachi, and the rest?" She asked hesitantly.


Class 1-C

"Well, see you at breaks, Yoichi-kun," Aika waved at me with both her hands forward as she walks towards her class...

I honestly can't tell why she has been too jolly, but I think it's really just her being that way.

I opened the sliding door and sat through my chair.

Everyone is in their circle, and I honestly don't have anything to talk about to everyone.

Walking across the seats, I see my two seatmates.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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