Chapter 9: Enthralling Ms. Sakura, by Mistake...

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Kiseki High's Faculty


A voice of a woman's giggle echoes around the corner of the teacher's faculty.

I slid open the door, holding a box filled with a box of paperworks of my classmates.

As I look through over the box, Ms. Sakura, the English teacher of our school, skims through the paper, holding her mouth as she tries not to blurt out her laugh as she checks on the paper of probably one of her students.

Must have been fun looking through the mistakes of students.

"Ma'am, here's the rest of the English homework," I struggled as a a pile of papers from my class flew over...


Ms. Sakura casually held the paper as I immediately took the top paper flying away...

"Aha~! Yess, thank you so much for the paper,"

She smiles and looked at me as she giggles a bit louder.

"Umm... Why are you giggling all of a sudden?"

"N-Nothing, just give me the papers..."

She said as she guides the pile of papers to her desk.

This Ms. Sakura... I don't even know why all of a sudden she's giggling like a little girl.

Starts to really freak me out.

I stayed behind her and watch her as she continues to finish off her paperwork.



I don't even want to go to my classroom right now. It just gives me the ick to sit beside two actual characters...

I don't even want to think the fact that they're as authentic as any other...


I'll stay here for a bit.



She smiles and continues to hold her laughter with a hand on her face and a small drool flowing down her chin.

Ms. Sakura's acting weird too...

On second thought. Maybe I'll just leave-


"Huh?" She took a glimpse to my side.

"Ah~! You're still here?"

Oh shit...

"Y-yeah...I was just fixing up myself before I leave, a-anyways I'll just go..."

I awkwardly try to hold the door for myself, but I can feel my face contracting by the second...

It's making my skin crawl when she starts acting insane...

"W-wait...! Please don't tell anyone? I'm not acting weird, aren't I?"

"Yeah, suddenly acting too jolly when no one's around in the faculty... Anyone who walks in will think an insane woman is here,"

"Oh no no no, I'm just having a good day today, you see?"

"Huh? With that pile of homework just sitting beside you, I'm pretty sure your good day will be ruined. If you take a glimpse of it, you'll know,"

"Awww...Haruto-kun is concerned to a sad teacher like me? That's so sweet~!"

"Of course... That's basic human decency..."

"To suddenly grow a spine and actually talk like that, when you usually were quiet and just come to my faculty and just casually give out homework without saying a single word... M-Ms. Sakura... T-the English homework i-is here../ " She tried to mimic how I talked to her with a shy and quiet voice, as she suppresses her laghter

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