Chapter 4: Epsilon

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"Alright, class, for today's activities, we're going to have a group work. This will be passed on Monday. Group yourselves to four," The teacher announced as he wrote the instructions in the blackboard in kanji.

"Write your names on a paper, and place it under this box," The teacher tapped on a small cardboard box. I seem to get the gist of the groupwork. it's most likely a presentation work of some sort of topic in our class.

I watched everyone seeming to group up with their closest friends. The cool group consists of a cool looking blonde girl, seeming to text on her phone, an ikemen, the most adored guy in class, and Ryuujin, and some shy girl with glasses and braids.

Another was a bunch of sporty guys who talk anything other than their current sports. There is also a girls-only group consisting of gyarus, having blonde hair, strangely fluffy socks, and tan skin. They don't seem to care about the entire topic and are instead talking much about their boyfriends and nail polish. I can smell their strong perfume from here, jeez.

A few guys and girls approached Hinagi with a strangely and friendly expression. The other guys blocked both Yoichi and me from their view as if trying to encircle her.

"Umm... Misaki-san, is it fine if you can join our group?" A girl in short brown hair asked.

"Ehhh? Umm... Well..."

"Come on, we're only three, we just need you to join us,"

"How about you join us instead?"


The brown-haired girl held her hand out to Hinagi, and she looked at Yoichi for a bit. Yoichi couldn't even see her one bit because one guy completely blocked him.

"Oi, I can't see!" since Yoichi is in the corner, he had his whole view blocked in the front.

Hinagi accepted the offer, leaving the only ones left in the group-making session, just a bunch of nobodies and two otakus, one scrawny guy with glasses, a fat-looking nerd with short hair, and Yoichi.

The other group of nobodies had already made their own as well, making it only these guys left.I don't want to associate myself with this guy at all. I don't want a dense guy and two nerdy-looking otakus to run this whole business.

"Ma'am, can I do this group work alone?" I asked my teacher as I raised my hand.

"No. This is a requirement. If you're doing this alone, you're getting a zero," the teacher rejected instantly and in a threatening manner. This raised the hairs of my skin after that.

Why am I grouped up with these people? Please, like, yeah, Yoichi is kind of average in these, but who the hell are these two? I have no choice but to stick with them.

I took out a paper, wrote our names, and placed it on the box, then we sat together in our circles and planned to make our upcoming groupwork.

I Woke up as a Mob in a High School Setting with a Harem ProtagonistOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant