Chapter 8: Really Busy Weekend

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The back-and-forth clicking of the pen...

The slight breezing of the ceiling fan.

The flipping of papers from the notebook...

A few people are minding their business across the quiet library.

What's in front of me is Miyoshi Aika, resting her chin on her hand as she clicks her pen repeatedly.

"Yoichi not being around with me feels so unusual for me..." Aika sighed as she looked through her current homework.

I also look through her stuff, and the current homework she has been working on is math.

I'm not that bad per se in math, but I do want to flex that I was at least able to comprehend that subject in some way.

"Let me try to check your stuff since you missed a few important lectures,"

From what I can see, the stuff that she has been working on was already done with my class, and we have moved on to the topic.

It's a piece of cake...

I'm not going to give her answers, though. She has to figure it out herself.

I tried to explain to her exactly how her math homework should go with precise and direct details.

Using a step-by-step process in one of the questions, I created a similar example with different variables and adjusted it to a level that was comprehensible to her.

The x in an equation is the number one enemy of all levels.

That will never EVER be out in any of the equations at all...

"Uwaaaaahh~! Why is it so hard? I don't get it at all," she frustratingly stared at her homework.

"It's easy, you should-"

"Easy for you to say! How can you even understand these? I don't like math. Where can I ever apply these in my life... I just want to go somewhere... Or let's just play tennis..."

"You haven't even finished number one out of forty-five questions."

"Buwaaahh... Why did you even try to help me in the first place? You're not my tutor,"

"Why not? After all, you gave me a free ticket for a movie. It's called returning a favor,"

"That's a favor?"

"Well, in some way or form... Yeah.."

"Hmm... Even Ita-kun has some heart, at least,"

"Oh wow... I-I mean, let's go back to where we are. It's due tomorrow, right? It's quite a tedious homework, too, and you have to finish it right now,"

"But I don't want toooo~"

"What are you, a child?"

"N-No... Of course not! I'm a really mature girl...! Really mature!"

"Then a mature girl can at least solve these problems with ease,"

"Uwaaahh... I'm not mature..."

"Tsk... How about this. After you answer that question, we can take a break before the next question. If you give up, I'll let you-"

"I give up,"

W-What? That easily?

"I didn't even get to tell the next condition,"

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