Bakugo: I see.

The silence was tense in the air as Izuku glared down at the motionless Bakugo until Bakugo said something that shattered Izuku's world.

Bakugo: I'm sorry. 

Izuku didn't say anything, not even when he walked away to return to his room. This will be the last time Izuku and Bakugo talk to each other.


The rest of the month was a bit of a blur to Izuku, it was like that conversation with Bakugo had drained everything from him. Bakugo after that never even looked in his direction and instead seemed to be trying to become better not only as a hero but also as a person. Izuku didn't know what to feel about it so he decided to not think about it at all, and instead moved on. His hate was still there for him but now instead of a burning fire, it was just a smoldering fire. He just didn't care anymore and now it was time to move on.

So, he did. He took all his girlfriends on dates to try and clear his head, he didn't need any more stress, the Safety Commision was already taking enough of his sanity, and he didn't need Bakugo to be doing the same. 

He took Ochaco to an aquarium as she had been wanting to see the seal exhibit which allowed you to pet the mammal. Kendo wanted to have a workout session together which Izuku found relaxing. Yu just wanted a nice candlelight dinner. Momo wanted Izuku to meet her parents, which was...terrifying. Mei just made him a test subject for one of her experiments. Nejire just wanted to have a nice scenic walk in the park. And finally Mandalay also just wanted a nice dinner. So, that helped with Izuku's psyche, unfortunately, he had to return to work one day.

Izuku walked into Nighteye's Agency for the fifth time this month. He still remembered his first meeting with the sidekick. Extremely tense and annoying as the sidekick had tried to tell him he wasn't worthy of OFA, Izuku shut him up by putting him through a wall. The second meeting was more professional after a week of recovery had passed for Nighteye. The case was pretty straightforward take down some yakuza group that was trying to take advantage of All MIght's absence, it was getting kind of serious since they developed quirk-dampening bullets. Yet, the summon he got today said there was a serious development that would push the raid up.

Izuku entered the conference room filled with several heroes, some high ranking others just well known. He waved to Ochaco and Nejire who were sitting at a separate table behind Ryuku who they were studying under. Izuku sat in between Rock Lock and Fat Gum which signalled the meeting to start. Rock Lock glanced at Izuku before frowning as he turned to the standing Nighteye next to a projector.

Nighteye: Good everyone was able to make it. Now let's begin this emergency meeting.

Fat Gum: If you don't mind me asking. Why is this an emergency? We just had a meeting two days ago.

Nighteye: It's an emergency because of something that was discovered yesterday due to Lemillion. We may have found the reason for how Overhaul is developing these quirk-erasing bullets.

Nighteye pressed down on a clicker causing an image to show a small girl with white hair being escorted by Overhaul into the estate. All the heroes minus the ones that already knew dreaded to hear what Nighteye had to say. Nighteye took a deep breath before he started.

Nighteye: Yesterday, while on patrol Lemillion made contact with this little girl, who as he stated was extremely afraid and clung to his leg for dear life shaking. As he went to comfort the girl Overhaul appeared stating he was the girl's father but Lemillion noted she began to shake uncontrollably, once Overhaul threatened Lemillion the girl who was stated to be named Eri returned to his side at once. Due to the bandages on the girl and the hair evidence Lemillion obtained from the girl. Overhaul is using the girl to create the bullets.


Everyone turned to the noise seeing Izuku had slammed his fist onto the table with clear anger in his eyes. 

Izuku: And you let her just go?

Nighteye: Izuku! Calm down, you of all people should know that if we tried to bring him right then and there no charges would stick. Plus with his quirk the amount of damage he could cause in the 2 minutes it would take for backup to arrive is unimaginable. Lemillion is already beating himself enough as it is, we don't need more arguments about what if.

Izuku glanced at Mirio seeing him looking down with a depressed look, Izuku sighed as he leaned back in his chair.

Nighteye: Our top priority now is the safe rescue of this girl and secondary is the arrest of all the Yakusa. Is this new objective clear, speak if it doesn't.

Rock Lock: I have one issue but it has nothing to do with the case. Should we really have kids involved in a situation like this? It just doesn't feel right to me.

Izuku tuned out the rest of the meeting as he stared at his fist indent in the metal. He understood the situation and knew that he couldn't blame Mirio but it still angered him. Izuku let it go though he needed to stay focused on the mission. Izuku's phone buzzed making him glance down at the unknown number that sent him a text.

'Retrieve the quirk erasing bullets and its research.'

*End of Chapter*

Ch.26 Rescue

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