Chapter XX

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A/N: Now I'm gonna have to be honest — When I first saw this movie, I've never liked it due to the comedy, I miss it when Thor take itself seriously. But oh well, now I enjoy it. It grew on me.

Four years have passed since the events in Svartalfheim and the Dark Elves — Loki disguised as Odin had tell Princess Rhaelynn that the dragons can stay in Asgard as much as they liked, of course she agreed

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Four years have passed since the events in Svartalfheim and the Dark Elves — Loki disguised as Odin had tell Princess Rhaelynn that the dragons can stay in Asgard as much as they liked, of course she agreed. Even though they're born in Vanaheim, they're raised and treated well in Asgard.

It was a lovely day in Asgard, a few clouds paint the blue sky but not covering the sun — A small crowd of people walk into a threshold that had a monumental statue of Loki, Odin lays in the chair while being fed grapes by one of the maiden while watching a play of Loki's fate in Svartalfheim while having three large horses behind him.

One of the horses, a dapple grey, glares at the bad paper puppet looking rendition of Malum. A puff of smoke emanates from his snout.

A choir sings out when the actor Loki "died" while the actor Thor screams out in anguish, the palomino horse rolls her eyes at that.

"And so Loki died of his wounds, giving his life for ours. He fought back those disgusting dark elves. He brought peace to the realm." An actor Odin spoke as the mural turns into Asgard. "Loki my boy," A young boy painted blue climb onto the fake rock. "'Twas many moons ago I found you on a frost-bitten battlefield. On that day, I did not yet see in you Asgard's savior. No. You were merely a little blue baby icicle...that melted this old fool's heart."

The plays ends as everyone and Odin clapped at the play and leave; revealing Thor who greeted him. "Father."

As Odin sips his mead, his eyes widen at the sight of Thor. "Oh shit." He mutter. " My son! Thor has returned! Greetings my boy."

Everyone clapped while Thor put on a fake smiles, "It's an interesting play. What's it called?"

"The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard. The people wanted to commemorate him." He replied.

"Indeed they should." Thor then decided to provoke his "Father". "I like that statue. A lot better looking than he was when he was alive, though. A little less weasely. Less greasy maybe." Odin sours, faking his agitation.

Thor then held up a large skull wrap in chains. "You know what this is?"

"The skull of Surtur? That's a formidable weapon."

Thor then hands the skull to one of the guards, "Do me a favor. Lock this in a vault so it doesn't turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet." He tells him.

"So it's back to Midgard for you, is it?" Odin ask.

"Nope." Thor then toss a Mjölnir in the air and back into his hand. "I've been having this reocurring dream lately. Every night I see Asgard fall into ruins."

"That's just a silly dream... Signs of an overactive imagination." Odin deflated.

"Possibly... but then I decide to go out there and investigate. And what do I find, but the Nine Realms completely in chaos. Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise, all while you, Odin, the protector of those Nine Realms, are sitting here in your bathrobe, eating grapes."

"Well, it is best to respect our neighbors' freedom." Odin said with the nervous chuckle.

"Of course, the freedom to be massacred." Thor said as threw Mjölnir away and back at him, making the crowd gasp.

"Yes, besides, I have been rather busy myself."

"Watching theater?" Thor questioned, still unconvinced.

"Board meetings, and security council meetings..." The lie just wasn't good enough to save Loki's hind.

"You really going to make me do it?" Thor ask.

"Do what?" Thor side as he spins Mjölnir away from him and place his hands onto Odin's shoulders. "You know that nothing will stop Mjölnir as it returns to my hand." The hammer stops in mid-air and returns back to Thor. "Not even your face."

"You've gone quite mad. You'll be executed for this!" Odin said as he looks at the three tall horses, waiting for sign of any help. But they just simply stare at the situation.

"Then I'll see you on the other" Thor spat just as the hammer returns to him.

The jig was up, a flash of green surrounds Odin as he nearly avoid getting smash by Mjölnir as it returns to Thor.

Everybody gasp at the sight of the supposedly dead young prince of Asgard, Loki just gave a sheepish smile. The dapple grey horse just laugh at the situation, both Loki and the other horses just glare at him. He puffs and shut himself up.

Skurge arrives on the scene, a little late and covered in green substance. "Behold! Thor..Odinson."

Loki turns to glare at him, " You had one job! Just the one." He exclaims. He then turns back to Thor.

"Where's Odin." Thor demanded.

Loki let out a sigh mixed with a growl, "You just couldn't stay away, could you? Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering," He gestures to the crowd. "You've ruined everything. Ask them."

Knowing he's in deep shit he backs up towards the chaise lounge when Thor step towards him, " Where's father? Did you kill him?"

"You had what you wanted, you had the independence you asked for!" Loki tried to reconsider but Thor presses his hammer onto Loki's chest. "Ow-ow-ow! Alright! I know exactly where he is."

The sound of horse neighing caught the brother's attention as the stable-boy tried to calm the large black horse down, but it reared back as large black wing appear on their flanks — Two large horns spurted out of their heads, shiny black scales appear on their body just as its muzzle starts to become narrow along with a lizard like tail form on its dock. Its cover itself with its large black wing — It removes its wings to reveal that it was Erebus. Her transformation scared the stable-boy that he ran away from her.

The similar transformation happen to the other horses as they reveal Malum and Sitara — Loki turn his head at the siblings. "Thanks for the help." He sarcastically said to them.

Malum glared at the paper puppet version of him — He blew his green fire at it until it becomes nothing more than ashes and ember. He let out a guttural laugh.

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