-chapter thirteen-

Start from the beginning

The whole car ride home, Ellie couldn't help but watch Gracie. Gracie looked different - she knew that. She knew that Gracie had broken up with her boyfriend and she knew that it was something that grownups had to deal with... but for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to talk. She wanted to talk, wanted to tell Gracie that she'd missed her so much. That she wanted nothing more than for Gracie to spend the rest of her life on their little farm. She wanted to tell her all of those things, but her mouth wouldn't open. It wouldn't let her say all of those things, because fundamentally, Ellie was still hurt by what she'd said.

Ellie climbed out of the car and headed straight towards her monkey bars. She'd been practising, and could now almost successfully sit on top of them. It felt like she was the queen of the world - like the whole universe was beneath her. Almost like she had wings like she had these beautiful butterfly wings attached to her back.

Gracie glanced over at the nine-year-old, before heading inside, following Taylor who was carrying one of her suitcases.
The moment she was inside, Gracie felt the facade she'd thrown around herself the entirety of the ride here collapse in an instant.
She couldn't help but cry - but she was embarrassed. Turning her back from Taylor, putting her head in her hands... Gracie sobbed.
"Hey," Taylor's arms wrapped around her from behind. "Hey." Her voice was comfort, it was warm and soft, and Gracie had longed to hear it for so long.
"I really loved him."
"I know," Taylor's voice cracked.
"I really hoped he'd be the one."
"I'm so sorry that he wasn't."

Half an hour later, Ellie was still sitting on her monkey bars, refusing to go inside. She didn't know why. She didn't know why she was feeling so topsy-turvy - it felt like her whole world was upside down and the wrong way. She heard the front door open and half expected it to be Taylor, coming to tell her that it was a little cold and she needed a jacket. But it was Gracie. Gracie, with a cardigan wrapped around herself, her arms folded across her chest, her cheeks slippery with old tears.
"It's been a long time since I've been able to climb up on top of monkey bars," Gracie smiled. Her eyes were red and Ellie knew that she'd been crying.
Guilt fluttered in her stomach, knowing that she had made the whole situation a billion times worse.
"Do you wanna come and see the horses?" Ellie asked, her voice quiet. She swung herself down from the monkey bars.
Gracie nodded, and the two of them headed towards the paddock.

"Ellie," Gracie opened her mouth to speak. "I am really, really, a million times, sorry for what I said. I've been wanting to thank you for telling me that you... that some of the things that Miles was doing weren't okay."
Ellie nodded, glancing up at her.
"I know that there's a lot of things that I am too young to understand right now but... but I know when you're happy, Gracie." Ellie sighed.
Gracie knelt down in front of her, taking her hands.
"I really, really missed you."
Ellie flung her arms around the woman's neck.
"So... you're not with him anymore?" Ellie asked quietly.
She felt Gracie shake her head.
"No. I told him that what he was saying wasn't okay and that it was making me really unhappy."
Ellie nodded, before pulling away and kissing Gracie's cheek.
"We all make mistakes, my little superstar, I just hope you can forgive me for mine," Gracie told her, and Ellie watched as a tear fell down her cheek.
"Of course of course of course!" Ellie grinned as she wiped away one of Gracie's tears. "You're one of my most favourite and super special grownups ever, Gracie. I just wanted to remind you that you deserve all the best and most fantastic things in the world." 
Gracie nodded, a sad smile on her cheeks. "I know," She told the little girl. "I was just being a little silly, and I didn't want to listen to the best thing that was right in front of me." She leaned in and pulled Ellie into her. "I did get you a little something, superstar." Gracie reached into her pocket and pulled out a little blue box. Ellie read Tiffany & Co. on it and knew that Taylor had a few of the boxes in her jewellery box. She knew that it was super expensive, and didn't know why Gracie had spent so much money on her. "It isn't too much - but I wanted to get you something to say... to say thank you. For telling me exactly what I needed to hear."
Ellie reached into the velvet bag and pulled out a little golden necklace. There were two stars - a bigger one, and a little sparkly one. She knew that it was supposed to be her and Gracie - knew that it was something super special. 
Ellie flung her arms around Gracie, holding the grownup tight. 
"It's super perfect!" She exclaimed, unable to put it into words.
Gracie was about to open her mouth when she was distracted by a car pulling up the drive. 
"Who's that?" Gracie asked, not able to see the figure driving in the car. Taylor hadn't told her about any visitors.
"Oh, that's just Derek," Ellie said with a smirk. "I think he was gonna take Mom out to dinner tonight." 

Taylor anxiously watched Gracie and Ellie from the dining table. She didn't want to intrude, but she knew that Ellie had been really upset. She was the tiniest little bit worried that Ellie might not easily forgive Gracie. She'd been trying to get her to understand that Gracie hadn't meant to hurt her, but Ellie found that hard to understand. Taylor tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, taking a mouthful of water before she heard the sound of tyres on the gravel driveway. 
"Fuck," She cursed. She'd completely forgotten that Derek had invited her to dinner. She was dressed in her oldest sweater, a pair of wrinkled shorts, and mismatched socks. Pursing her lips together, glancing at herself in the reflection of the microwave as she walked to the door. She looked like a mess. She didn't look like she was ready for dinner, she didn't look enthused about sitting in a busy restaurant. 
Opening the front door, she greeted him with a smile. 
"You're going to hate me," She told him as he climbed out of the car. She stepped out onto the porch. 
"I could never hate you," Derek grinned. "I have bad news."
"So do I," Taylor laughed. "You go first."
"I couldn't get the neighbour to look after the girls, I'm afraid." Derek sighed, glancing over his shoulder at the faces peering over at him from the car. 
Taylor felt a smile beaming on her face. 
"Well, I forgot to tell you that Gracie is staying with us because she just broke up with her boyfriend and I didn't think it was a good idea for her to be alone."
Derek breathed a sigh of relief, chuckling. "Well," He shook his head. "I am quite relieved that I am not the only party pooper around here."
Taylor laughed, throwing her head back. "I really thought that I'd crush you,"
"Taylor, I am absolutely not that fragile." He beamed. "How about I make dinner? Here - for everyone? If that's okay? I mean, I'm more than happy to leave you to it-"
"That would be really nice," Taylor nodded. "I was supposed to go grocery shopping today but with everything going on... I never got the chance. But I want you to stay. Besides, I'm sure the girls would love playing together." 
"Just so you know, if there weren't curious eyes watching us, I would have totally kissed you." He told her with a light laugh as he went to go and help Margot and Violet out of the car. Taylor couldn't help but giggle, spinning around when she was sure he wasn't watching.
"Taylor!" Derek's girls called her name as they climbed out of the car. 
"Hi! Oh my goodness, Lottie, I love your princess dress! Is that Princess Belle?" Taylor asked her. 
Lottie gave her a twirl - wearing those little plastic high-heeled shoes that are practically impossible to walk in. 
"I am Belle! Daddy said I had to wash my Elsa dress and that I had to find something else to wear." The little girl complained. 
"Next time, when I tell you not to wear it when you eat spaghetti, you might listen!" Derek told her. "Alright, it's getting a little chilly. Let's get inside."
"Ellie!" Taylor called down the driveway to her daughter. "Margot and Lottie are here!" 
Ellie waved in response, and soon enough, Taylor could see Gracie and Ellie running through the grass. Taylor leaned against the doorway, Derek catching a single moment to kiss her cheek as he walked inside carrying Lottie's plastic shoes. Taylor gazed up at him with warm cheeks. 
"Thank you," She whispered. "For being so... go-with-the-flow." She was not one of those people. He smiled at her. 
"I was serious, Taylor. When I said that I could never hate you." His brows knot together, and Taylor knows that he is telling the truth. "I'm far too captivated by you now. I'm in too deep to ever let this go." He checked to make sure that Ellie wasn't too close before he kissed her again. This time, properly on her lips. 

Right then and there, Taylor was almost one hundred percent sure that she could tell him that she loved him. Right then and there, she was sure she could mean it with one hundred percent certainty. Right then and there, she was sure that Derek Green was the only man who understood how her mind worked. And somehow, that meant everything to her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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