-chapter nine-

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The end of September rolled around a lot faster than Taylor had ever imagined. Ellie was enrolled to go to school three days a week beginning October 1st. Her teacher, Amelia Winters, had been Ellie's favourite thing about school when they'd gone to visit. She was young - younger than Taylor, and had been understanding when Taylor had made her sign the NDA. She hadn't wanted to go to such extreme measures... but she also wanted Ellie's safety. It was a time with a lot of change in their lives.

And Ellie was coping extremely well - Taylor melted as she watched her daughter shine. Watched her grow wings and fly, watch her find herself. Watch the bruises fade and the memories blur into background noise. Moving to Nashville had been exactly what her little girl had needed, and she'd never regret that decision.

Taylor had invited Derek and the girls to New York City for a watch party of the Eras tour movie. It was the 28th of September, and Taylor was doing everything in her power not to think about what that meant. Sure, she'd moved on - she would go days without even really thinking about Joe - and she'd healed but still... it was the twenty eighth night of September and it hurt a little. It was the first one she'd been through on her own, even if she didn't miss him. Even if she didn't think of him all that much.

There was still a couple of weeks until the tour film was released in the cinema for everyone to see but Taylor's friends and family had all wanted to celebrate. So they were all heading to a recording studio in New York to watch it for the very first time.

It had taken Taylor almost a whole week to get up the courage to ask Derek if he'd like to come. She been so worried about him seeing that part of her - the crowded sidewalks and security guards. The chaos of it all was daunting and she didn't want him to see her in front of it all and hate the way she looked in leggings and a tshirt at home.

He'd said yes, saying that he would love to come. Of course he had.
"I've never been to New York City before," he'd grinned. "It sounds like an adventure."
Taylor had blushed.
"You really don't have to come... I'll take you guys to New York any time if you'd rather just-"
"Taylor, I'd love to come. I'd love to see the film, especially when it's about such an important and incredible part of your life."
"You totally don't have to though. It's something that I don't even think I could prepare you for..."
He reached out and touched her arm in a comforting gesture. "We'd love to come. The girls haven't been out of Nashville since their Mom died, they'd love it."

So here they were. Taylor had gotten Derek and the kids the best room in a hotel a two minute walk from the recording studio.
"Mommm!" Ellie called down the hallway.
"Yeah?" Taylor replied, finishing straightening her hair.
"Are there gonna be lots of people there? Have I met everyone before?" Taylor peered around Ellie's door. The nine year old was sitting in the middle of the floor, a soft toy in her lap. Her hair was clipped back with a sparkly silver bow, and one of her socks was missing. She had a big rainbow skirt on, and it billowed around her feet.
"You've met everyone, bee." Taylor told her gently. "Gracie and Miles are going to be there, Margot and Violet will be there, Aaron and Jack, my Mom and Dad, Selena... and a few other friends. You've met everyone and they all really love you."
"I'm nervous." Ellie admitted.
"Will people be yelling at us when we get there?"
"I think what I'm going to do is have Derek take you, Margot and Lottie a little earlier, so that you avoid the big crowds." Taylor wasn't sure how this would go down - Ellie didn't like being away from Taylor overly much.
"Oh..." Ellie processed the information. "Okay," She shrugged.
"Is that okay?"
"Yeah," Ellie nodded. "I really like Margot's dad. And I really like Margot and Violet too, so I think I'll be okay. Will... will you be okay though?"
"I'll be just fine, little bee. I'm sending a couple of my security guards with you guys, just to make sure you're all safe."

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