chapter 23: nearly ending the fam

Start from the beginning

Enforcer crossing his arms

Enforcer: You might not care about your past, but this concerns more than just you.

With a smirk

Enforcer: Does it? Because from where I stand, it looks like a whole lot of someone else's problem.

Enforcer gritting his teeth

Enforcer: You can't ignore your obligations forever boy as long as you possess the Smith blood running through their veins .

Me: Watch me. I'm not interested in whatever they're offering. I've got my own life now, and it doesn't involve playing nice with people who disowned me.

Enforcer:  You think you're so special now.

He said with a snarl

I spoke nonchalantly

Me: Special or not, I'm happy. And that's all that matters to me.

As the tension lingered in the air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of defiance. The enforcer's disdain was nothing compared to the happiness I found in my own choices, in living life on my terms. And with that, I turned away, leaving him to stew in his frustration.

Chisato, sensing the escalating tension, stepped in with a calm demeanor, attempting to defuse the situation. The guy, however, couldn't hold back his crude comments, tarnishing the atmosphere with his disrespectful words and perverted glances towards Chisato.

Chisato spoke calmly

Chisato: There's no need for this. Let's talk it out like civilized—

Guy: *interrupting, sneering at Chisato* Oh, look who thinks she can play peacemaker. Probably used to it, being a little bit.....

I didn't let him finish. Instantly, my hand found its way around his neck, my fingers tightening as rage coursed through me.

Me: Watch your mouth or I'll fucking eat your soul

I spoke menacingly

Enforcer:  You think you can intimidate me?

Chisato:  Jason, let go. This isn't worth it.

She said with a sigh

ignoring her, I tightening my grip

Me: il make you regret every word if you don't shut up.

Chisato: Jason, this isn't the way.

I reluctantly released my grip, giving the guy a warning glare. He coughed, catching his breath.

Enforcer::  You're just as much of a monster as they said.

He mocked

Me:  Say another word about her, and you'll find out how true that is.

Chisato placing a hand on my shoulder

Chisato: Let's go. He's not worth it.

As we walked away, the guy muttered something under his breath. My anger still simmered, and I couldn't shake the urge to teach him a lesson.

Chisato: Jason, don't let him get to you.

gritting my teeth

Me:He insulted you, Chisato. There are a lot of things I can stand butI won't stand for that

maybe I should just eat his soul he has committed several crimes too

Chisato smiling gently

Chisato:I appreciate it, but I don't want you getting into trouble because of him.

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