Echoes Across the Void: Threads of the Multiversal Tapestry

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Caution: Brace yourself for an onslaught of puns and cheesy jokes! Embrace the fun, folks!

As Y/N and Rimuru embarked on their journey toward Dwargon, they traversed alongside the Ameld River, leading them northward in search of skilled artisans capable of crafting new attire and improving the housing conditions in the goblin village. Their group, including Rigur and a couple of other goblins, was joined by Gobta, who volunteered to guide them, claiming prior knowledge of the city's location.

Swiftly racing beside the Tempest Wolves, Y/N and the others moved at a brisk pace through the varied landscapes of the expansive forest. While Y/N found the speed suitable and consistent for their journey, Rimuru expressed concern about the strain it placed on the Tempest Wolves, feeling it might be a bit too demanding for their companions.

Rimuru: Hey, Ranga, no need to push yourself too much.

Rimuru felt like it was important to let Ranga know he didn't have to strain himself unnecessarily.

Ranga: Yes, Master!

Ranga replied. However, it seemed he misinterpreted the message, as Y/N were taken aback when he accelerated even more, rushing ahead of the group.

Y/N: He's quite the energetic one, isn't he?

Y/N found Ranga's enthusiasm to assist his master's journey entertaining, gesturing for Grimbone to quicken their pace.

Rimuru: WAAAHHH! Why are we going faster!?

Rimuru exclaimed in surprise as everyone hastened their speed to catch up with Ranga.

Y/N: Looks like Ranga's really 'racing' to be the leader of the pack, huh?

Y/N quipped, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Rimuru: Oh boy, here comes the puns again...

Rimuru, well-acquainted with Y/N's penchant for wordplay, chuckled.

With a wink and a shrug, Y/N retorted.

Y/N: Well, got to keep our spirits 'upbeat' when we're on the run!

Rimuru: You never run out of these, do you?

Rimuru responded, amused by Y/N's perpetual cleverness. 

Grinning broadly, Y/N teased

Y/N: I guess you could say I'm 'running' on pun power!

Amidst the banter, Rimuru voiced his concern.

Rimuru: Could you please help me calm Ranga down?

Y/N's expression turned contemplative.

Y/N: And just when things were getting interesting! Ranga, could you have gone any faster? At this rate, we might be late to meet the artisan.

Ranga, driven by loyalty to Y/N, assured.

Ranga: I won't let that happen! You can count on me, Lord Y/N!

Meanwhile, Rimuru, attempting to keep up, cried out in a mix of excitement and apprehension 


Their journey became an exhilarating yet frantic race against time. The breathtaking speed left Rimuru anxious but exhilarated, while Y/N, amidst the excitement.

As the day drew to a close and the sun started its descent, the group decided it was time to set up camp for the night, resuming their journey come morning. You settled by the river, taking intermittent sips of water while everyone else also took their well-deserved breaks.

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