13 - Enchanting Threads

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Lady Claus made her way through the village with her three new companions; Santa, Razz and Noelle, who were all following close behind her. She wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible, and she knew that she needed new attire if she was going to be able to do her job right. She wanted to protect herself from Ebonia's attacks, so she needed something special.

They made their way through the village, walking towards a large tailor hut, where the Seamster was located. It was a simple cabin with a door at the front and a large sign above it that read 'Seamster Spark's Wears & Tears' in golden lettering. There were several sets of clothes hanging on the outside, which people could purchase.

The inside of the shop was large and filled with rows upon rows of dresses, jackets, coats, pants, and hats; all neatly arranged on metal hangers. It was a fascinating place and the sheer number of garments that were available was beyond impressive.

There was also a counter in the centre of the room, which held a cash register, several display racks for clothes and some sewing tools. There were also several large boxes of materials and buttons, pins, thread, needles, and other assorted items that were used in sewing and fashion.

The moment they entered, a voice from behind the counter would call out, startling Lady Claus.

"Welcome to Seamster Spark's Wears & Tears!" an elf with a helmet covering their entire head exclaimed. "How can I help you today?"

Lady Claus walked towards the counter and stared at the figure before her, her eyes wide in shock. She had never seen anything like it before. The Seamster Spark was dressed in a green jacket covered in tools, as well as several pouches containing the necessary equipment. But on his head was a helmet with the front being an LED screen, showing a question mark. The helmet also had two large elf ears on either side and a Santa hat sitting on top.

The sight was completely baffling to her. She didn't even know what to think.

"Hi, I would like to have some new clothes made," Lady Claus replied. "I've been considering what you do and I realised I need to protect myself."

"Protect yourself?" Seamster Spark asked. "Why do you need to protect yourself?"

As Santa, Noelle and Razz watched, Lady Claus took a deep breath and then explained the events that had occurred over the last day and night. She told them about Ebonia and how she had committed crimes all across the North Pole. She told them about the notes, about the blood, about how the villainess had tried to kill the elves and how she was now out to get her.

She told them about her plan, and how she wanted to become a hero.

As she spoke, Seamster Spark listened carefully, watching her as she went along. When she was finished, he would turn his attention to the three others in the room, staring at them intently as if he were examining them in some way. It seemed he had come to some sort of conclusion.

"Very well," he said, at last, turning back to Lady Claus. "I can see that this is important to you. So let us get to work on your new suit at once."

He gestured for her to follow him, leading the group to a back room filled with more clothing and materials but more importantly, a large blue and white printer-looking machine, something which seemed to have red and green sparkles surrounding it.

Lady Claus walked towards the device, glancing over at Noelle, who smiled nervously.

"Welcome to the contraption that created Santa's own garments!" Seamster Spark exclaimed, raising his hands up in the air. "I call her the Sartorial Enchantment Engine, or S.E.E. for short!"

As Seamster Spark explained about the machine, Lady Claus would stare at the thing with confusion and curiosity. She had never heard of anything like it before and she found it fascinating that the machine could print her new outfit.

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