11 - Replace The 'Mrs.' With 'Lady'

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Sat inside her iceberg which silently floated above the Arctic, Ebonia stared at the scene unfolding before her. With her iceberg hidden by dark magic, she could watch anyone who walked about without being seen. She could see what they were doing, and she could tell when it was time to strike.

Ebonia was happy. Her plan was working so far and panic had already begun to spread. She knew that Santa and Christina would come for her and she wanted to be ready for that. She wanted to make sure that when it happened, it would all be over. She wanted everything back the way it should be.

It was slightly annoying that only a couple of her presents had been opened, but it wasn't a big deal. There were just bound to be at least a few people who still had her gifts, even if they didn't open them right away. She wasn't too concerned about it.

Besides, the look on their faces when they realised what they were getting was priceless. That's what she loved the most. She loved watching them realise what she was capable of. She loved the terror she inspired in them.

With a smile on her face, her attention would be stolen by Shadowbane, who approached her side. The man was always there, always watching her. She didn't know why he did that. Why did he care so much?

"Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice full of concern.

"Yeah, everything's fine," Shadowbane replied, keeping his eyes forward. "My magic is successfully keeping us hidden from view."

Ebonia smiled, looking out over the village below.

"That's good," she told him. "I'm glad everything is working out. With your magic hiding me, that means I can watch my plan unfold, without being seen or heard."

"Exactly," Shadowbane expressed. "What next?"

"Well," Ebonia began, leaning forward slightly. "I think it's time we pay a visit to Mrs. Claus. I have a special gift I want to personally deliver to her."

"Mrs. Claus?" Shadowbane repeated.

"Yes," Ebonia replied. "She is going to be our biggest obstacle."

"Her? Not Santa or The Jubilation Custodians?" Shadowbane asked, cocking his head slightly.

"No," Ebonia smirked. "I can sense it in my heart. She will be a problem."

With a small giggle, Ebonia pushed herself off of her ice throne, her dark robes billowing behind her as she gracefully drifted across the iceberg's chamber. Making her way over to a newly wrapped gift, she picked it up, admiring its beautifully intricate design before tucking it under one arm and making her way towards a nearby door.

With one last glance back to her companion, she smiled as she left the room, leaving him alone once again.

"Mrs. Claus..." Ebonia whispered to herself as she closed the door behind her. "Prepare for your death..."


Patrolling around the border of the Elf Village, Christina made her way through the snow. She was dressed in still the same outfit she'd been wearing the day before, with the cloak always attached. It felt like yesterday, but it had only been one day, and yet, so much had happened.

As she continued to walk, Christina persisted in surveying the area, attempting to locate any clues to the person who had created this mess. She was on the lookout for anything that would lead her towards the killer, or at the very least, any sign of a disturbance in the snow.

The entire situation was becoming more and more confusing by the minute, but Christina didn't let that slow her down. She continued to march through the snow, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign that would lead her in the right direction. She knew there was going to be a clue, she just didn't know what it was going to look like.

The Impeccable Lady ClausWhere stories live. Discover now