7 - A Force Encapsulated Within Ice

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Standing opposite the now-revealed secret room within the Globe Dome, Christina and Razzmatazz stared at The Everlight Cloak, their minds full of questions. It was real and it was here, but what now? It was all too much to take in.

As the pair looked over at the shimmering object, a sudden force of energy burst out from its centre and blasted them both backwards, sending them tumbling to the ground. When they looked up, they could see the cloak begin to hover in the air, slowly floating towards them.

And just like that, it stopped. Christina looked at the object, confused as to what was going on. It was like it was waiting for them to reach out and take it. She glanced over to Razz and saw him staring back at her with wide eyes, and it was then that she realised what was happening.

"The cloak is saying we can take it," she muttered. "We're supposed to take it."

As Razz watched on, he soon noticed that the cloak itself seemed to be looking at them. It was almost as if it knew what they were going to do. And then, before they knew it, The Everlight Cloak began to float through the air and land gently into Christina's arms. She could feel its weight as it came to rest within her grasp, but at the same time, it felt warm and soft to the touch. She was surprised to feel how toasty it was, and she wondered if it was the magic within it that gave it such a feeling.

She was no longer scared or nervous. In fact, she felt empowered and invigorated, ready to take on whatever challenges she may face.

"We did it," she whispered, looking over to Razz with a smile on her face. "Should I-"

But before Mrs. Claus could finish her sentence, the cloak came to life once more, shimmering brightly as it began to circle around her body. As she felt it wrap around her, she could feel the energy surging through her entire self.

And as the cloak finally settled around her shoulders, she felt like she was filled with the light of the North Star; of Christmas. A surge of energy shot through her body, filling her with new strength and resolve. It felt amazing and she knew exactly why. The Everlight Cloak had given her its power.

Looking over to Razz, she saw him smiling back at her. It felt like she could see everything now. The world was filled with so many people who needed her help, and she was going to do everything she could to make sure they were protected.

The light radiating from The Everlight Cloak seemed to have created a new spark within her. It was as if this newfound power had awakened her heart. She wanted to make a difference in the world, and she knew that she was going to do it. It was time for her to get going.

Taking a step forward, Christina made her way over to Razz, reaching out to take hold of his hand. It felt warm and familiar, and she could feel her heart beginning to race as she thought about what was going to happen next. She knew this was going to be an amazing adventure.

"What are you going to do now?" Razz asked, cocking his head.

Christina didn't reply at first, instead, she pulled off her bag and placed it down on the ground next to her feet. She then unzipped it, revealing a few things inside; such as a pen and a small notebook, a flashlight, and some extra clothing.

"Yep, all here, good," she smiled, placing her hand on her chin. "I want to see what this baby can do."

As Razz watched on, Mrs. Claus reached into the bag, pulling out a pen and a small pad of paper. She opened up the notebook and placed it on the floor, turning her back to him as she scribbled away.

He looked on with a puzzled expression, wondering what she was writing about. A few minutes passed by, with the elf staring at the back of her head in anticipation, but finally, she turned to him.

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