I cut the Spam up by using my switchblade which I keep in holster strapped to my thigh. I open, will butcher the can of Spam as I can't find a can opener anywhere and fry up the Spam in a frying pan; with no oil as I don't have any. The Spam sticks to the bottom of the pan, the Spam turns from a unnatural pink to a charcoal in minutes. But I keep going, fuck it.

After one atrocious meal, I catch a wift of myself, I smell like a onion

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After one atrocious meal, I catch a wift of myself, I smell like a onion.
"Please let the hot water still be on" I pray in my head. My bathroom smells damp. "It will do..." I try to convince myself. I turn the hot tap on and hope to feel warm water. I feel hot water. "Thank you universe".

10 Minutes later, my tub is filled up. I see a near empty bottle of bubble bath in the corner of the bathroom. I use the last few drops of bubble bath in the tub, just to help me relax extra.

My toes go numb as I dip myself into the hot bubble tub, the water feels like it's scorching my skin, it feels very hot, then cold. It hurts. I like it.

I soak in the tub. For the first few moments, it was pure bliss. After a few minutes, boredom begins to kick in. "I'm horny" my subconscious begins to whisper to me. I look down and my tits are just gracefully bobbling on the water line. I graze my metal rings on my fingers gently across my nipples. They stiffen, I loosen. I take my long black finger nails and begin to circulate around my areola. I dig my nails in dipper to my breasts and pinch, squeezing harder and harder. I feel that familiar pulse rushing up my inner thighs, meeting in-between me.

I hook one leg out of the bathtub, the splashes from my wet toes soak my already filthy and damp floorboards. I slowly run my nails up my inner thighs. I close my eyes thinking of the feeling of Face's burnt Fingers entering me. The coarse feeling of burnt finger tips felt so good inside me. I briefly open my eyes and look to see the scratches begin to form on my inner thighs. I fucking love that.

My fingers slide up to my clit that I begin to gently massage

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My fingers slide up to my clit that I begin to gently massage. This makes me naturally arch my back up. I massage my clitoris, applying more focused pressure on that magic little spot of mine. I rub, harder and faster. I feel my legs begin to spasm, I should stop now but I stroke my pussy like it's the last time I'll ever cum. The rush hits me. I jolt. I scream, I feel my juicy release. My leg slides back into the bathtub. A fall back into the hot bubbly water. "Fuck. Happy-fucking-Birthday girl."

My headache goes away and I feel great for the first time today. There's a pack of cigarettes about 6 feet from me on the side table, but I'm too relaxed to get em', but I want a smoke. I eventually get out of the hot tub and notice I've dug my nails a little too deep into my flesh. My thighs are slightly beginning to bleed. bleeding from my thighs. I dry myself off with a Towel that smells disgusting. I'm probably gonna' get sick from this bathroom and definitely from this towel. "Oh well..."

I get changed, I don't even know what I have thrown on. I grab my handbag and grab my leather spiked, studded purse to find only $2000 in $20 Bills. "I'm broke." I need money. Fast. "Fuck." My headache strikes back with a vengeance. Throbbing above my upper eye, it's crippling me from the constant throb.

I wonder if that bitch Sugar can help a gal out. I remember she told me where her safehouse is. But I have gotta get a train over to Metropolis. She has a couple of grand I can borrow, and that whore owes me. "Right bitch. Let's go to Metropolis."


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"𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖊" : A Batman Forever Prequel (18+)Where stories live. Discover now