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Back at Folarin's apartment where Lisa and Seyi had been waiting for them, all four anticipated the call from Nina that would tell them she had unfollowed Annie from the real JLB account and followed the fake one they controlled. They had the post with the pictures lined up and ready to go, soon as she called.

A couple hours later she did. "It's done."

And Lucy clicked "Post" with a vengeance.


"I knew it! I fucking knew it!" Annie squealed in delight. "Let me sharply post before all these other wannabes jump on it." She quickly downloaded all the photos and started typing.


Folarin's apartment erupted in high fives and squeals of victorious delight as soon as the post alerts they had all set for Annie Uchendu rang out and it turned out to be exactly what they had hoped. "Oya Lucy, delete delete."

"On it." Lucy immediately deleted the post, and the entire fake account, and then opened the bottle of champagne she had brought out of Folarin's kitchen for the occasion.

As she filled everyone's glasses, she read the post aloud again in a comical impression of Annie's annoying voice.

"I Just Knew It! This One Is For All The Doubters. The Ones That Were Accusing Me Of Being A Hater, A Clout-Chaser, This And That. Can You See It Now? Pure Evidence. At Least Pictures Don't Lie. You Can See It For Yourselves. It Even Looks Like Folarin Is Sick In The Hospital Now And His Darling Boyfriend Is There By His Side, Nursing Him To Health. Eeyah! 🤣 I Wish The Couple A Happy Life. At Least They Can Come Out Of The Shadows Now. Women, Check O! The Homewrecker In Your Marriage Might Be Another Man. When Annie Talks Fucking Listen Because I Don't Say What I Don't Know For A FACT! And That's On Period!"

The group broke out in laughter as Lucy read out the last sentence with extra flourish.

"And just like I expected, she didn't publicly credit JLB for the discovery. Perfect.", Seyi said, dancing around the living room, glass in hand.

"Guys, don't get too excited o. It's going to get ugly before it gets good." Chuka said.

And as if on cue, the notifications started pouring in on both men's phones.

"Fuck! When are we coming out with this clarification?", Folarin said, as he looked at his phone.

"Tomorrow morning." Chuka said, wincing, as he glanced at his screen too. "Let's give it a little time so she doesn't delete it immediately. We need enough people to see it."

"Yeah, true. But in a few hours sha, you both can tweet or post something about it. Just something short and indirect but obvious enough.", Lucy suggested.

"Exactly. Ehen, you know that one we cropped," Seyi chimed in. She turned to Chuka. "The part where you were trying to help him into the wheelchair. You know we cropped the wheelchair out in the one we sent her, so it looks like you're just hugging him from behind. Ehen, you'll now post that one along with it. The full pic."

"Perfect." Lucy said as she high-fived Seyi.

Both men put their phones on silent and looked at each other, their phones still buzzing non-stop.

Over an hour passed with all four seated around the living room, drinking wine and gisting idly about everything and nothing.

"Let's play spin the bottle.", Lucy said suddenly, as she sat on the floor with the empty champagne bottle in her hand.

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