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At about 1pm, Leo called Chuka. As soon as he saw the caller ID, Chuka cussed under his breath. He had tried to call the client earlier in the day and couldn't reach him, so he'd sent a voice note, requesting a rescheduling of the meeting and explaining that he had a family emergency he needed to attend to. He hadn't gotten a response. 

Folarin looked at him. "Wetin?", he asked. One look at his face showed the fear and anxiety still fighting a battle inside him. They had decided to sit in the chairs outside Mrs. Ishola's room and wait for her to wake up. When the doctor had come to check on her shortly after they arrived, he'd told them she should be waking up on her own in a few hours and it was important not to wake her prematurely. So, there they sat, waiting.

"No nothing." Chuka said in response. "I just forgot to call someone. I dey come." He got up, looking at the phone screen and walked to the other side of the hall and stepped out onto the terrace. The last thing he needed was Folarin feeling guilty about him missing the meeting. He knew about the deal and was really happy for Chuka, although he still wasn't impressed it had come from Leo. Folarin didn't know about this next meeting yet and how important it was because Chuka hadn't wanted to jinx it until he was sure and now, he was glad he was such a superstitious clown.

As soon as he was out of earshot, he took the call. "Leo! How far?"

"Are you fucking with me?" Leo said softly, yet clearly upset. "Chuka. Is this a joke?"

"What is it?" Chuka asked, even though it seemed obvious the man had told his sugar baby about the message he'd received from him.

"Where are you?" Leo asked.

"Akure." Chuka said. "I take it he told you? Which is weird 'cause he didn't bother to respond."

"Why would he respond?? You know how important this is and that he wanted to sort everything before his trip to Spain. He'll be there for MONTHS!", he shouted.

"I know and I don't like this either. But momsie's in the hospital and it's touch and go right now. I can't leave yet."

"'Momsie'?" Leo exclaimed incredulously. "Whose mom, Chuka? Because last I checked, your mom was dead."

Chuka felt his anger rise. "Watch it!", he snapped quietly.

"I'm sorry.", Leo apologized, not sounding very contrite. "But tell me you're not really about to throw almost one billion naira away because of Folarin. Tell me that's not what's happening here."

"Throw away?", Chuka said, annoyed. "He's seriously going to pull the contract because of one meeting we have to move? And then not even have the courtesy to tell me himself?"

"What do you expect? We arranged this weeks ago."

"And this happened just yesterday. How could I have forseen this? The man doesn't have a family? He can't empathize?"

"The woman has a son, Chuka. Let him handle it!"

"She has two sons. Watch yourself, Leo." Then he softened his voice. "Look, we can still make it work. As soon as I'm sure she's stable" (and that Folarin is okay, he added in his mind), "I'll take the next flight out. It's not like he's leaving tonight, is he?"
"You think he doesn't have other things to arrange before he leaves?" Leo said, fuming.

"Okay, I can fly out to Spain. Yeah? If it comes to that, we can meet him there. I'll pay."

"That's not the fucking point, Chuka." Leo snapped.

"Then what is the point, guy?" Chuka snapped back. "Wetin you want make I do? Because there is no scenario where I leave this hospital right now."

Leo paused. "You mean 'leave Folarin'."

Chuka said nothing.

"Are you even thinking about me at all?" Leo said, a mix of sadness and anger in his voice. "My own credibility? My connections? I suggested and insisted on you. Promised him you wouldn't disappoint. You think he'll listen to me again?"

"So, let me understand what is happening here." Chuka said, slowly. "I attended several meetings - both online and in person.", "I did several trips to my suppliers, procured sample after sample for physical demos, some in the comfort of his own living room. And I have 'disappointed' because I'm asking for one meeting to be rescheduled? Is that the general gist of this?"

"Chuka, please. Let's just quickly do this. Folarin's mother will be fine. Are you the doctor?"

Chuka looked back at Folarin where he sat, looking forlorn, and tried to attempt a rationalization for leaving him right now; for leaving them both. He failed spectacularly. He couldn't even form the thought. "Look. Leo. As soon as I am able to, I will start heading back." Chuka said, placatingly but firm. "I might still even be able to make it for 7pm. I just wanted to reschedule just in case. Tell your man to calm down."

Leo said nothing for what felt like minutes. "Once again – it's Folarin over all else. Every other person can go to hell.", he said.

And then he hung up.


At exactly 4:17pm, Mrs Ishola opened her eyes.

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