1231 - 1240

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Chapter 1231

This was an excellent idea. Hua Bingzheng couldn't possibly swallow it all by himself anyway. He always needed to find someone to share it with. It was a good opportunity for her to get the company up and running so that Feng Quan and the others would have less pressure.

She was aware of Feng Quan's recent impatience. After all, it had been more than a year since "Woman"had started. Although "Woman"had made a lot of money, they had been living off their savings during this period of time.

Due to the conditions of setting up the company, Yun Xiangxiang had been paying them salaries. They had not suffered any losses, but they felt uneasy taking advantage of Yun Xiangxiang like this. They had been rushing to work on the next animated film.

However, such works of art had to maintain a calm mind. If they were utilitarian or impatient, they would lose their standards.

Yun Zhaozhao and Feng Quan had fallen in love. They were very worried about Feng Quan's psychological state, so they especially looked for Yun Xiangxiang to have a chat.

Yun Xiangxiang also took the opportunity to have a meeting with them before the new year, but it didn't seem to be very effective. If the company could generate revenue, they wouldn't be so impetuous.

Yun Xiangxiang immediately told Hua Bingzheng about this idea, and Hua Bingzheng said that he had no problem with it.

So she contacted Milles, hoping that Milles would pull some strings and let them connect with the copyright company.

"There are already several companies in your country that have contacted us."Milles was not surprised. "However, Hua Yao is the first to be released at the same time as us."

There were many people who were optimistic about the copyright. They only revealed their intentions in advance and slowly negotiated the terms. There was a preliminary agreement. After the release of the movie here, they would look at the results here and make a conclusion.

If the results were good, they would definitely rise. If the results were not good, the other party would not directly give up. This was business.

However, Hua Yao wanted to directly take the risk with them. This undoubtedly made them have a good impression. Even if Milles was very optimistic about his film, he could not guarantee that the film would be popular.

Whether they bought it or not, the audience had the final say. There was not a single creative staff who did not think that they were good. Otherwise, they would not have spent so much effort to create it. However, the ones that were really popular were rare.

"I will also introduce it myself."Yun Xiangxiang had no intention of hiding it from Milles.

"I will convey your intentions and fight for the greatest benefit for you."Milles was very sincere. "I heard that the film that you are currently showing is very popular."

Hearing the song, Yun Xiangxiang knew what it meant. She smiled and said, "This is a Chinese myth..."

She told Milles the General Content of the story. "I'm not sure if you guys will like it."

"I like it very much."Milles showed great interest, "In fact, this is also a film that is very close to life and reality. The topic of mistress is not eye-catching in your country. It is a common social phenomenon in countries all over the world."

Every country had successful people who started from scratch. Among these successful people, there was no lack of people who had their eyes set on them when they were still full of potential. Moreover, this woman who had her eyes set on them was willing to marry him.

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