A new beginning

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It has been eight days since I last wrote anything in the "Record of my life" .

I really am not recording anything am I?

So let me try and tell you lovely folks everything you've missed.

As so the water is off. The water is always off.

My mother bought a vacuum cleaner and she was really cute and happy when she was teaching us how to use it.

My brother went to go get his hair shaved but is to embarrassed by it so anytime he's around us he wears a hooded jacket or his beanie.

It's rainy season.

The nights are shorter than the days.

I picked up a new exercise routine.What I wrote about last time I'm pretty sure.

It's just 50 jumping jacks a day and 25 sit ups(/crunches ?) If you think it's a lot it's really not.

I just do the jumping jacks in sets of five and do the sit ups before I sleep.

I'm a few days in and I am going to continue doing it not only for my health but because it makes me happy and I feel good.

(Lies I'm just doing this because I want to lose weight)

I also started a new skin care routine.I saw on some video I was watching that if you're skin is too oily or dry try washing your face only once per day and at first I was skeptical because it's usually recommend to wash your face twice but I tried it and I don't think my skin has ever looked better (before I got acne it probably did though)

It's just this, I wake up don't wash my face or if I do I just use water then I stay the whole day then I wash my face well and properly at night.

On Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays I exfoliate as well.

And so far it's really been working for me.

The number of pimples has reduced significantly and I'm pretty sure some of my acne scars when away as well.

The super dry bits of my skin and the unnecessary oilyness has decreased if not went away completely.

Overall my skin feels brighter and looks brighter and it just feels better altogether all out.

I've also been really trying to fix my sleep schedule but it's been really hard since my phone is just so interesting.

But I think today is the day to start it.

Right now it's 4am after I pretty much slept the whole night and I may go back to sleep in a bit in maybe an hour si I can wake up around 6 to 7am.

It feels like though the only thing I do in this house is make peanuts.

Yesterday I made peanuts, the day before that I made peanuts and today's I most likely will as well.

It's very easy though so I'll give you the instructions.

Just get a dry pan -no water no oil no thing- and fill it up to the about half of that and also it would be more preferable if the pan/pot had a handle for easy mixing.

Mixing what you may ask? NOTHING.

That's it once it in the pan just let it start roasting.

Once you're sure they've become the level of roasted-ness that you want (it should a light brown or dark brown)take them out and set them on something wide -like a big plate, should be metal though - and let them cool down.

Once they've cooled peel them and enjoy.
Or don't peel then if you're an animal.

I showered today as well so that's good. Then I changed my bedsheets and blanket and pillowcase so I'm happy.

Even though this is what I do every time I shower.


I'm now watching America's next top model after eating like some green gram soup(?).

Bro, this show is wild.

Apparently every episode they were only paid like 38 dollars???

And like one could argue "bUt tHEy werEn'T eVeN thEYR'e tHat lOoOonGg~" and like sure but imagine being here for eight weeks 40 bucks an episode and having to hear that.

And all the things I thought I new about fashion and modelling we're thrown the windows with this series.

Like I'm thinking a girl has a nice walk abd then the judges eat her alive.

Then a girl with the stiffest walk comes in, she not even walking on a line and her shoulders are hunched and the judges say she's the role model for everybody else in the class.

Absolute insanity.

But I think that's it for right now.

Over 700 words bordering 800 let's call it off for now.

See you later and you know you love me xoxo gossip girl 💋

(Get it????)


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